This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His overflowing grace given through Jesus Christ. Pray for all those who have yet to know salvation and redemption in Him to come to faith in response to the gospel. Ask Him to develop His righteousness within each of us. Pray for Him to display His grace in and through each of us.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the foster care ministries in and around the city of Birmingham, and for the families whose lives they touch. There are currently 6,000 children in foster care in the state of Alabama. In Jefferson and Shelby counties alone, there are over 1,000 children in foster care, with 50 more kids going into care each month. Many more licensed foster homes are needed so children can receive the care they need. We’re also praying this week for Hunter Street Baptist Church and Pastor Buddy Gray.
Day 1: Pray for the Lifeline Children’s Services event, Fostering Hope, that is coming up on Thursday, February 25, for prospective foster parents. Pray that the event will be well attended and that those who come will have their hearts set ablaze for foster care ministry. Pray that from this event, many new families will begin fostering and many children will come to know God’s love because of them.
Day 2: Pray for the children in Brook Hills foster care homes. Ask the Father to comfort them in their loss and confusion, and to protect their hearts so that they do not become hardened, but instead remain open and receptive to the love of their foster family.
Day 3: Pray that our foster care parents will guard and protect their time with the Lord and that they will spend time in the Word and in prayer each day so that they are able to parent out of His provision and not their own strength. Pray for God to call out more foster parents from among us.
Day 4: Pray for our Birmingham agency and ministry partners that provide the training for and licensing of foster parents. Ask the Father to encourage them as they spend countless hours facilitating classes, doing home studies, and dealing with mountains of paperwork.
Day 5: Give thanks for the amazing WRAP Ministry volunteers and leaders who give their time and talents to come alongside many of our foster families by providing prayer, encouragement, meals, tutoring, quilts, blankets, and lots of love.
Day 6: Pray for the many Birmingham agencies and ministry partners that support foster and adoptive families, including Brook Hills WRAP Ministry, Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries, Pathways Professional Counseling, Lifeline Children’s Services, Lifesong, Alabama DHR, APAC, Grace House, King’s Home, and The Forgotten Initiative.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Sunda people, the largest unreached people group in Indonesia. There are over 37 million Sundanese and 99% are Muslim. The Sunda are only found in Indonesia and their primary language is Sundanese. Traditionally the Sundanese people place a high emphasis on family and are famous for their friendliness. They are also known for their deep devotion to Islam and the strong influence of the supernatural within nature. In many areas, Islam is mixed with the Sunda traditional custom of protecting the natural world (animism). Join us this week as we pray for the Sunda people and for the gospel to spread throughout Indonesia. For more information on the Sunda people visit
Day 1: Almost all Sunda are Muslim. Pray for a movement of God among the Sunda people. Pray for God to soften the hearts of the Sundanese so they will be receptive to the gospel.
Day 2: Praise God for followers of Jesus from Indonesia and beyond whose efforts have begun to produce fruit among the Sunda. Pray for God to open more doors into the Sunda community and for many to believe and be discipled so the gospel spreads throughout the Sunda community.
Day 3: Pray for God to strengthen, encourage, and protect the few Sundanese Christians who are part of the underground church. These believers are boldly sharing the gospel with their friends and family which often times leads to significant persecution and loss of their community.
Day 4: Statistical data shows a high poverty rate among the Sunda. Pray for God to provide education and economic development opportunities for future generations of Sunda to raise their standard of living. Pray for God to use the Sunda church to care for the poor.
Day 5: Pray for the church to continue to grow among the Sunda. Pray for God to raise up faithful and humble leaders who teach the Word, shepherd the believers, and preserve the gospel that has been put in the believers there. Pray for healthy churches to grow as a result.
Day 6: Pray for God’s glory to be known and His name worshiped among the Sunda people.
Sunday Setlist