This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His faithfulness to us even when we have been so unfaithful to Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring us conviction of our sin and to lead us to repentance. Pray for God to grant us the strength we need to live free from condemnation in order to best serve and follow Him wherever He leads.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for various Christmas outreach efforts across our city, specifically through our faith family, among our English as a Second Language (ESL) students, and among our neighbors in Marks Village (through Oak Tree Ministries). The Christmas season offers a unique opportunity to witness to others as we celebrate the true gift of Christmas, the free gift of eternal life made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Day 1: Pray for our own faith family to find intentional ways to engage the lost, show hospitality, and exalt Christ during this Christmas season. Pray for faithful and fruitful gospel conversations.
Day 2: Pray for the ESL Christmas Celebration on December 19. Pray for God to give the students spiritual understanding and conviction from the Holy Spirit as they hear the Christmas story.
Day 3: Pray for Christmas in the Village on December 14-15 in Marks Village. Pray for Christ to be exalted and glorified through this outreach event and for mutually transforming relationships to be formed. Pray for many gospel conversations.
Day 4: Pray for our many partner ministries and other Christian organizations in the Birmingham community as they seek to exalt Christ and serve the city through various avenues this Christmas. Pray they will have an abundance of volunteers and resources to support their outreach initiatives.
Day 5: Pray for many from our faith family to have opportunities to invite unbelieving neighbors, internationals, and family members into their homes during the holidays to witness the hope and joy that Christmas brings to those who are trusting in Christ.
Day 6: Pray for many across our city to personally consider the gift of Christ and to receive forgiveness and eternal life through repentance and faith during this season.
Pray for the World
Our great desire as a church is to nurture and raise up future generations who love Jesus, who grow in Jesus, and who make disciples of Jesus in Birmingham and around the world. That is why we create opportunities for students to be able to engage different cultures around the world and be on mission to impact the nations as students. This week, as we continue to celebrate our giving to the Global Offering, we want to praise God for how He is using our students in our Student and College ministries to make His name known throughout the world. We also want to pray for the three mid-termers who are being sent out from Brook Hills this month and ask God to use them to strengthen His church and bring many to Christ as they are faithful to share the gospel. Through the Global Offering we are able to send and support our students and these mid-termers as they engage the nations with the good news of Christ.
Day 1: Praise God for the 83 students who served on short-term teams this year. Pray for these students to continue to grow in their faithfulness to share the gospel with their family and friends.
Day 2: Praise God for our Student and College ministers who serve and lead students here at Brook Hills. Praise God for their leadership as they teach students to love Christ and tell others about Him. Pray for God to bless our students here at Brook Hills and use them to impact the nations as they go.
Day 3: Praise God for the three mid-term women who are being sent out from Brook Hills this week. Pray for God to use them to bring many to Christ as they serve for the next few years engaging the nations.
Day 4: Pray for Sara Beth J. as she serves in Central Asia. Pray for God to give her many opportunities to engage women in her city that need Christ.
Day 5: Pray for Abigail K. as she serves international students in England. Pray for God to give Abigail wisdom as she navigates conversations with students returning to countries where there are negative social and political pressures against the gospel.
Day 6: Pray for Marisa F. as she serves in Central Asia. Pray for God to give Marisa grace as she adjusts to a new city and a new culture. Pray for God to give favor as she builds relationships with women who are in need of Christ.
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