This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the peace with Him He has made possible through Christ. Thank Him for loving us so fully to send Jesus to die for us. Ask Him to help us grow in our knowledge and understanding of His gospel. Pray for us all to confidently live in the hope we have through our reconciliation to God through Jesus.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Hearts in Hands, Inc., a local Christian non-profit ministry that provides home repair services and wheelchair ramp construction for poor and elderly people in the greater Birmingham area. Hearts in Hands strives to engage the poor with the gospel while meeting their physical needs. We’re also praying this week for Double Oak Community Church and Pastor Adam Robinson.
Day 1: Pray for Hearts in Hands to remain steadfast in their mission to exalt the name of Jesus Christ in Birmingham.
Day 2: Pray for God to provide wisdom to the Hearts in Hands leadership team as they respond to those requesting assistance.
Day 3: Pray for word to spread about this ministry so that more people in need can encounter the love of God through the ministry of Hearts in Hands.
Day 4: Pray for God to guide the men and women serving with Hearts in Hands through prayer and discipleship as they form relationships with each other and with those they serve.
Day 5: Pray for God to provide volunteers, project leaders, and ministry partners who will serve regularly as they build wheelchair ramps and perform home repairs.
Day 6: Pray for those who are being impacted by the ministry of Hearts in Hands. Pray that God will soften their hearts to the gospel and draw them to Himself.
Pray for the World
This week we want to pray for the Malay of Malaysia. The Malay are the majority people group of Malaysia. In Malaysia, people are classified as Malay by the federal constitution if they: speak the national language (Bahasa Malay), practice Malay customs, and are followers of Islam. There are very few Malay believers. It is illegal to proselytize a Malay and those that do become Christians are subject to harsh persecution. Join us this week as we pray that the glory of God would be made known throughout Malaysia.
Day 1: Pray for the more than 7 million Malay in peninsular Malaysia to have opportunities to hear the gospel. Pray for God to open wide the doors for the gospel to be heard in their language and for many to believe.
Day 2: Pray for God to reveal Himself to Malay men and women in ways that make them want to seek out the one true God. Pray for Malay men and women to come in contact with believers who will be faithful to share the gospel.
Day 3: To be Malay is to be Muslim. It is their culture and heritage. Pray that the Malay will be delivered from the culture that holds them so tightly to tradition.
Day 4: Pray that the Malay will understand that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. That no one can come to the Father except through Christ.
Day 5: Pray for members of our faith family who live and work in Malaysia to have opportunities to engage the lost with the gospel. Pray for God to give them success as they strive to integrate into and do good for their communities.
Day 6: Pray for the Malay to realize they are unable to turn from sin on their own. Pray for God to save many Malay.
Sunday Setlist