This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of His Word and for how He has led us through our study of Philippians. Pray for us all to internalize what we have learned from this book and to apply it to our daily lives as we live on mission together. Pray for us all to boldly make much of Christ in our world, to selflessly serve others and give of our lives for the sake of the lost and the spread of the gospel, and to joyfully live in the hope and strength we have in Christ.
Pray for the City
This week, we are praying for The Well House (, a local ministry extending God’s grace to victims of human trafficking. The Well House provides opportunities for restoration, beginning with the initial call to the crisis line. After a victim is rescued, the ministry employs a multidisciplinary approach to recovery as they address all areas of need in a safe environment where trust begins to grow. We are also praying for Lakeside Baptist Church and Pastor Greg Corbin.
DAY 1: Pray for each rescued survivor of human trafficking to find spiritual restoration and life transformation through personal faith in Jesus Christ.
DAY 2: Pray for The WellHouse staff to have wisdom to deal with the complex trauma human trafficking survivors face.
DAY 3: Pray for God to strengthen and renew the WellHouse staff and volunteers daily with a fresh measure of His grace.
DAY 4: Pray for divine protection and financial provision for the ministry.
DAY 5: Pray for the new transitional living program, Next Step to Independence, and for the launching of the Long Range Plan in 2019.
DAY 6: Pray for God to bring justice by exposing and eliminating sex trafficking in our city and around the world.
Pray for the World
This week we want to focus our prayers on the worldwide orphan crisis. There are approximately 153 million orphaned children in the world. This number excludes institutionalized children, children on the streets, or children who are at risk, neglected or abused. Of these children, only .5% will have the opportunity for international adoption. This means our care for the orphan has to extend beyond adoption. This is why Brook Hills partners with Lifeline Children’s Services and their (un)Adopted program to care specifically for orphaned children living in Liberia and Pakistan. Through this partnership with (un)Adopted, we are able to help care for orphans who will most likely never be adopted and develop opportunities to hear the gospel, learn life skills, develop career awareness, and receive education that will sustain them and offer a healthy transition into productive adulthood. For more information about Lifeline (un)Adopted visit
DAY 1: Thank God for the lives of the children throughout orphanages in Liberia and Pakistan. Pray for God to open their hearts to the gospel so they can be saved.
DAY 2: Pray for the young men and women who are attending and who will graduate from the REAP Life Skills program in Liberia. The camp started this last week and will be ongoing for the next three weeks. Pray for students to feel confident in what they are learning and more importantly to have confidence in their future because of what Christ has done on their behalf.
DAY 3: A goal of the REAP Life Skills program in Liberia, is to equip students with skills needed to transition into productive adulthood. Pray for the participants to be eager to learn, persistent to grow in knowledge, and disciplined to persevere as they refine the skills they have learned.
DAY 4: There are 36 young women who live at the Developing Hope girls home in Pakistan. Pray they will continue to flourish under the love of their caretakers and that they will hear the gospel and know Christ as their Savior.
DAY 5: Pray for the four sewing centers (un)Adopted opened to help give opportunities to the young women at the Developing Hope home and to other vulnerable women in the community. Pray for these sewing centers to be a refuge and a place where women can grow and develop skills for the future.
DAY 6: Thank God for the leadership at (un)Adopted. Pray for God to continue to give them wisdom and clarity on how best to care for orphaned children, make disciples, and glorify God through their organization.
Sunday Setlist
Only King Forever
Verse 1
Our God and firm foundation
Our Rock the only solid ground
The nations rise and fall
Kingdoms once strong now shaken
We trust forever in Your name
The name of Jesus
We trust in the name of Jesus
You are the only King forever
Almighty God we lift You higher
You are the only King forever
Forevermore You are victorious
Verse 2
Unmatched in all Your wisdom
In love and justice You will reign
And ev'ry knee will bow
We bring our expectations
Our hope is anchored in Your name
The name of Jesus
Oh we trust the name of Jesus
We lift our banner high
We lift the name of Jesus
From age to age You reign
Your kingdom has no end
What Your Mercy Did For Me
Verse 1
I was hopeless I knew I was lost
Death and darkness were my only songs
I needed someone to come rescue me
Then mercy heard my plea
Lord You found me You healed me
You called me from the grave
You gave me a real love
I thank You Jesus
You washed my sins away
Oh now I'm living like I'm forgiven
You came and set me free
That's what Your mercy did for me
Verse 2
You gave me beauty for my guilty stains
And now I'm living day to day by Your grace
So excuse me if I can't contain my praise
'Cause I know that I've been saved
Every morning mercy will restore me
I will proclaim
Even if the world may fall before me
I will proclaim
That's what Your mercy did for me (5X)
Blood Bought
When the voice of condemnation, with the record of my wrong
Whispers I am guilty of stains already gone
I will silence my accuser, full of confidence
Knowing I am safe, secure in the truth of this
I am blood bought, by His cross clean
With a brand new name and His life in me
What a wondrous grace, I am only seen
Fully blood bought, by His cross clean
Give me faith to see that moment, the darkness of that day
My sin upon His shoulders, the Savior in my place
Oh the glory of redemption, the Lamb was slain for me
Pardoned now forever, in that healing stream
Forgiven forever
Oh my grateful heart must sing
Forgiven forever
Oh my song will ever be
Living Hope
Verse 1
How great the chasm that lay between us
How high the mountain I could not climb
In desperation I turned to heaven
And spoke Your name into the night
Then through the darkness Your loving-kindness
Tore through the shadows of my soul
The work is finished the end is written
Jesus Christ my living hope
Verse 2
Who could imagine so great a mercy
What heart could fathom such boundless grace
The God of ages stepped down from glory
To wear my sin and bear my shame
The cross has spoken I am forgiven
The King of kings calls me His own
Beautiful Savior I’m Yours forever
Jesus Christ my living hope
Hallelujah praise the One who set me free
Hallelujah death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There’s salvation in Your name
Jesus Christ my living hope
Verse 3
Then came the morning that sealed the promise
Your buried body began to breathe
Out of the silence the Roaring Lion
Declared the grave has no claim on me
Jesus Yours is the victory whoa
Jesus Christ my living hope
Oh God You are my living hope
Saviour King
Verse 1
Let now the weak say I have strength
By the Spirit of pow'r
That raised Christ from the dead
Let now the poor stand and confess
That my portion is Him
And I'm more than blessed
Let now our hearts burn with a flame
A fire consuming all for Your Son's holy Name
And with the heavens we declare
You are our King
Chorus 1
We love You Lord
We worship You
You are our God You alone are good
Verse 2
Let now Your church shine as the bride
That You saw in Your heart
As You offered up Your life
And now the lost be welcomed home
By the saved and redeemed
Those adopted as Your own
Chorus 2
You asked Your Son to carry this
The heavy cross
Our weight of sin
Chorus 3
I love You Lord
I worship You
Hope which was lost now stands renewed
Chorus 4
I give my life to honour this
The love of Christ
The Saviour King
Let now our hearts burn with a flame
A fire consuming all for Your Son's holy Name
And with the heavens we declare
You are our King

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