This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His presence with us and provision in our lives. Ask for God’s wisdom, discernment, and guidance as we consider our Campus Development Recommendation and 2019 Ministry Budget Proposal. Pray for God’s peace to guard our hearts and minds and to keep us from anxiety. Thank God for His gracious patience toward us.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for King’s Home, a Christian ministry that provides homes for hundreds of youth, women, and children seeking refuge, hope, and help from abuse, neglect, abandonment, homelessness, and other difficult and impoverished conditions and circumstances. We are also praying for Meadow Brook Baptist Church and Pastor Chris Jones.
DAY 1: Pray for the salvation of every woman, teen, and child at King’s Home. Pray they would know Jesus as their Lord, Savior, and healer.
DAY 2: Pray for the house parents providing 24/7 care to several hurting teens. Pray the Lord will sustain and encourage them in this difficult work.
DAY 3: Pray for the new Therapeutic Foster Care Program, specifically that 15 new foster families from the community would undergo training and welcome a foster child.
DAY 4: Pray “The Better Bin,” the ministry’s new thrift program, will bless the community and replace lost revenue, helping King’s Home to thrive.
DAY 5: Pray the King’s Home can truly minister to the women and mothers they serve by providing resources to help them sustain independence.
DAY 6: Pray for each resident to believe and be encouraged by the truth that God knows them and that Christ has come to give them abundant life.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for the Peoples of Vietnam, specifically six unreached people groups. Evangelical Christians make up about 1.8 percent of the people of Vietnam. Christians face persecution from the government and families, making Vietnam one of the most difficult places to live as a believer. Brook Hills has strategic partnerships with the local church in Vietnam. Pray God will continue to use us to advance His Kingdom throughout Vietnam. For more information, visit We are also praying for our short-term team serving in South Asia.
DAY 1: The 55,000 Giay people live in remote villages of Northern Vietnam. There are fewer than 10 known believers among the Giay. Pray for the Giay to have the Scriptures translated into their own language. Pray for the small number of believers to grow and reach out to their neighbors with the gospel.
DAY 2: There are only a small number of believers among the 1.6 million Muong people in Northern Vietnam. Pray for the Muong believers to overcome their fear of gathering together to worship God and for bold proclamation of the gospel to their villages.
DAY 3: The San Diu people live in Northern Vietnam and worship their ancestors and a multitude of deities and spirits. This people of 146,000 are unreached with the gospel. Pray for God’s Word to be translated into their language and for their eyes to be open to the one true God who deserves their worship.
DAY 4: The Tay are the largest ethnic minority people group in Vietnam (over 2 million), but there are only a few dozen believers. Pray for more laborers to help spread the seed of the gospel among the Tay.
DAY 5: The Mang are a very small and isolated people group in Northern Vietnam. There are only a handful of Mang who are even aware of the existence of the gospel. Pray for a movement of God among the Mang. Pray for God to send believers to the very isolated Mang. Pray for Christ to be made known among them.
DAY 6: The 900,000 Nung living in Northern Vietnam have less than 1% who believe in Christ. Pray for a concerted and focused church planting effort among the Nung. Pray for many to believe in Christ.
Sunday Setlist
Sound of Adoration
Verse 1
When we were lost ones
You were the Shepherd that carried us home
When we were prodigals
You ran to meet us with open arms
And we can't hold back our praise
Verse 2
When we were refugees
You were the One who took us in
When we were enemies
You paid the price for all our sin
And we can't hold back our praise
This is the sound of adoration
Oh how we love You
Jesus we love You
You are the joy of all creation
Oh we love You
Jesus we love You
Verse 3
You are the Risen One
You conquered death and made a way
You sang our freedom song
Now we are dancing on our chains
And we can't hold back our praise
By the cross I am free
Your grace changes ev'rything
I was blind now I see
Your grace changes ev'rything
Only a Holy God
Verse 1
Who else commands all the hosts of heaven
Who else could make every king bow down
Who else can whisper and darkness trembles
Only a Holy God
Verse 2
What other beauty demands such praises
What other splendour outshines the sun
What other majesty rules with justice
Only a Holy God
Come and behold Him
The One and the Only
Cry out sing holy
Forever a Holy God
Come and worship the Holy God
Verse 3
What other glory consumes like fire
What other power can raise the dead
What other name remains undefeated
Only a Holy God
Verse 4
Who else could rescue me from my failing
Who else would offer His only Son
Who else invites me to call Him Father
Only a Holy God
Only my Holy God
Great Are You Lord
Verse 1
You give life You are love
You bring light to the darkness
You give hope You restore ev'ry heart that is broken
And great are You Lord
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise
We pour out our praise
It's Your breath in our lungs
So we pour out our praise to You only
And all the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry these bones will sing
Great are You Lord
We Will Feast in the House of Zion
We will feast in the house of Zion
We will sing with our hearts restored
He has done great things we will say together
We will feast and weep no more
Verse 1
We will not be burned by the fire
He is the Lord our God
We are not consumed by the flood
Upheld protected gathered up
Verse 2
In the dark of night before the dawn
My soul be not afraid
For the promised morning oh how long
Oh God of Jacob be my strength
Verse 3
Every vow we’ve broken and betrayed
You are the faithful one
And from the garden to the grave
Bind us together bring shalom
O Lord My Rock and My Redeemer
Verse 1
O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer
Greatest treasure of my longing soul
My God like You there is no other
True delight is found in You alone
Your grace a well too deep to fathom
Your love exceeds the heavens' reach
Your truth a fount of perfect wisdom
My highest good and my unending need
Verse 2
O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer
Strong defender of my weary heart
My sword to fight the cruel deceiver
And my shield against his hateful darts
My song when enemies surround me
My hope when tides of sorrow rise
My joy when trials are abounding
Your faithfulness my refuge in the night
Verse 3
O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer
Gracious Savior of my ruined life
My guilt and cross laid on Your shoulders
In my place You suffered bled and died
You rose the grave and death are conquered
You broke my bonds of sin and shame
O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer
May all my days bring glory to Your Name

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