This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for calling us through His Word to join us in His work and mission. Ask God to grow our understanding of His Word and to make us bold in our proclamation of it. Pray for us all to rely on His strength and not our own ability to accomplish all He sets out for us through His Word.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Brother Bryan Mission, a residential Christian recovery and work-readiness program ministering to economically, emotionally, and spiritually impoverished men in Birmingham. The goal of Brother Bryan Mission is for each client to return to his family, church, and community free from addiction, with stable employment and housing, and with a healthy relationship with God and others. We are also praying this week for Grace & Truth Church and Pastor Henry Tolbert.
Day 1: Pray that the ministry of Brother Bryan Mission would clearly display the gospel in word and deed to men who are mired in substance abuse, criminal behavior, and homelessness. Pray that the love and words of Jesus would be felt and heard through the programs and services provided.
Day 2: Over 200 men enter into the programs annually, and BBM desires to see these defeated lives come into a saving relationship with Jesus. Pray that followers of Jesus would also commit to live a disciplined life under his Lordship.
Day 3: Pray for the BBM building expansion at 1628 2nd Ave N. Pray for the necessary resources and financial support to renovate the building for ministry usage. The expansion will allow for an additional 28 men to find hope and healing through the Christ-centered community at BBM.
Day 4: Pray for the hundreds of graduates from Brother Bryan Mission's programs to stay committed to the life of a disciple. Pray for them to abstain from substance abuse and unhealthy relationships.
Day 5: Pray for the staff and volunteers of BBM as they labor in disciple-making. Pray that they would feel a fresh anointing and vision for the future of the ministry. Pray against a spirit of discouragement and disillusionment in this challenging setting.
Day 6: Pray for the thousands of hurting and homeless men and women still residing on the streets of Birmingham. Pray that BBM could engage these communities through several outreach programs aimed at serving the homeless through the meeting of practical needs and the proclamation of the gospel.
Pray for the World
The Bairagi of India have a population of 3.4 million and are unengaged and unreached. Meaning there is no gospel presence among them and no one actively engaging them with the gospel. The Bairagi’s primary religion is Hinduism. To follow Christ is to risk disturbing community harmony within this Hindu community. Much sustained, focused prayer is needed to prepare the hearts of the Bairagi community to understand and receive the good news of Jesus. There are no known followers of Jesus among the Hindu Bairagi, but we pray that the Lord will soon call many to himself. Pray they will be zealous to learn of Christ, and that they will be sent teachers and pastors to help them.
DAY 1: Pray for God to call out believers to go to the Bairagi of India and share the gospel.
DAY 2: Pray for God to move in the hearts of Bairagi men and women and cause them to see their need for a savior.
DAY 3: There are strategies being developed to engage the Bairagi. Pray for God to give wisdom to those leading those efforts and for open doors into the Bairagi community for the gospel to be shared.
DAY 4: Ask God to save the Bairagi people.
DAY 5: Pray for the Indian church to reach out to the Bairagi people. Pray for God to give them a vision to mobilize their people and resources for the sake of the Bairagi people.
Sunday Setlist