This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise Jesus for His authority and pray we will daily live as His humble, loyal, and obedient followers. Pray we will embrace the task of making disciples of all nations as the primary focus of our lives. Ask for God’s guidance in where we each should be going as individuals to proclaim the gospel. Pray for all of us to live with a sense of urgency in regards to fulfilling the Great Commission.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Abiding Hearts Home Care, a gospel-centered ministry led by Brook Hills members Randy
and Courtney Johnson. Abiding Hearts Home Care provides living assistance, home maintenance, and physical, spiritual,
and psychological care to the sick, elderly, and widowed while also providing an avenue for life-on-life discipleship to those
in need in our city. We are also praying for Forty-Fifth Street Baptist Church, East Lake, and Pastor Andra Sparks.
Day 1: Pray for those served by Abiding Hearts to truly feel and believe God has relieved their loneliness and
isolation and set them into a family. (Psalm 68:5)
Day 2: Pray for barriers of cultural Christianity to be destroyed and for sincere faith to be born, even at this late
stage of life, as a result of this ministry.
Day 3: Pray for this ministry to be a light in the darkness of sickness, loneliness and end-of-life circumstances, shining
bright before others and causing them to praise the Father in Heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
Day 4: Pray for those serving with Abiding Hearts to abide sincerely and devotedly and for Christ to produce in them a heart that reflects His own heart so the watching world would know that they belong to him. (John 15 and John 13:35)
Day 5: Pray for clients who are hindered by language or cognitive impairments to experience and understand God’s love
and presence, since God is not bound by diseases, handicaps, or states of mind.
Day 6: Pray for those laboring through Abiding Hearts Home Care to not grow weary but to persevere faithfully,
leaving the outcome in God’s hands.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the 64 Brook Hills students who will go short-term this week serving partners in Ecuador, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. Each of these students will have the opportunity to participate with local believers as they share and strengthen the church in communities across these three nations. Join us as we pray for our students and for God to use them for His glory as they serve.
Day 1: Praise God for the opportunities our students will have to experience new countries, new cultures, and glimpses of the global church. Pray for God to use these experiences to develop in our students a burning desire to see the gospel go forward among all nations.
Day 2: Our students will be serving with Pastor Robert in the Dominican Republic and will have many opportunities to publicly share the gospel and their testimony of faith. Pray for God to help our students clearly communicate the gospel and for those who hear it to believe.
Day 3: Pray for our students who will be traveling to Ecuador to serve with Pastor Jairo. Pray for God to help our students grasp the weight of the eternal reality many of those they will interact with are facing without Christ. Pray for this reality to cause them to rely on God and boldly engage with the people they will meet.
Day 4: Pray for God to open doors into homes and communities this week so all of our students can be effective in their gospel witness. Pray for many to hear the gospel for the first time.
Day 5: Our students in Guatemala will be serving with our partners at OneWay Ministries alongside the believers at Iglesia Jerusalen. Pray for our students to not be anxious, but confident and bold as they help local believers engage their neighbors with the gospel. Pray for many to hear about Christ and be saved.
Day 6: Pray that God will give our students a posture of servanthood as they come alongside the local pastors and churches. Pray for our teams to be an encouragement to the brothers and sisters that they are serving with.
Sunday Setlist

Global News