This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for granting us the sight to see the truth of Jesus Christ and the faith to believe in Him. Pray we will all recognize needs around us and strive to lovingly meet those needs as the body of Christ. Ask God to help us see and celebrate all of His work around us, even when we don't fully understand it.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Serving You Ministries, a Christ-centered non-profit organization in East Lake serving as a ministry arm to local churches and corporations by partnering with them to reach a lost and hurting world through crisis relief and benevolence ministry. We are also praying for North Park Baptist Church and Pastor Bill Wilks.
Day 1: Pray for the staff and volunteers at Serving You Ministries to become increasingly Christ-like in showing grace, love, and compassion to those in need.
Day 2: Pray for those serving in each area of ministry to be empowered to boldly share the gospel within the East Lake community.
Day 3: Pray for those seeking support and financial assistance through Serving You Ministries to have their physical and spiritual needs met, and to have a sustainable plan to put in place for the future.
Day 4: Pray for the single moms seeking assistance to begin thriving as the chains of economic, relational, and spiritual poverty are broken through the power of the gospel.
Day 5: Pray for the ministry to be a light in Birmingham, and for the surrounding community to see God’s love and provision through them.
Day 6: Pray for protection over the building, the staff and volunteers, the visitors, and the community.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Philip and Joanna Z. who were sent out from Brook Hills to serve long-term in Southeast Asia. Philip and Joanna are currently studying language and working with their team to engage people with the gospel in hopes of seeing churches planted among those who are being saved all across Southeast Asia. Join us as we pray for Philip and Joanna.
Day 1: Philip and Joanna spend a large portion of their time studying language and are enjoying their classes and the things they are learning. Pray for endurance as they study and dedicate themselves to the work required to know a new language.
Day 2: Pray for God to provide more interactions with their neighbors and for true friendships with people who have free time. Pray for God to give Philip and Joanna boldness to make new friends.
Day 3: Philip and Joanna welcomed their first child into their family three months ago. Praise God for the sweet gift of baby Alice into their family. Pray for Philip and Joanna as they grow in wisdom as parents and for times of rest and margin during this season.
Day 4: This week, Philip and Joanna will go to finalize paperwork that is required to obtain baby Alice’s passport and Birth Certificate through the embassy. Pray for God to provide in the details of this process.
Day 5: Philip recently visited a village in a neighboring country and was encouraged to see the growth of the church in this area. Pray for God to give Philip and his team leader the wisdom as they continue to engage their people with the gospel and for many to believe.
Day 6: Joanna has a friend named “Leah” who is a person of peace and is interested in knowing more about Jesus. Joanna has shared the gospel with her many times and now has invited her to a gathering where they study the scriptures and talk about who Christ is. Pray for “Leah” to come to this study and for God to open heart to see her need for a Savior.
Sunday Setlist