November 2 – November 13, 2024

The main focus for this team will be to bless the long-term evangelism and discipleship efforts there, raise up more prayer warriors for Cambodia from among Brook Hills members, and influence the way participants spend their time in kingdom advancement back home in Birmingham.

Possible activities: 

  • VBS at the local church
  • Financial Management workshop
  • Guest preaching at local church
  • How to Read Your Bible workshop
  • Prayer walking new neighborhoods
  • Sharing the gospel with bilingual locals
  • Visit Angkor Wat


  • Leader

  • Capacity


  • Estimated Cost


Apply Now
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  'location' => 'Cambodia',
  'description' => '

The main focus for this team will be to bless the long-term evangelism and discipleship efforts there, raise up more prayer warriors for Cambodia from among Brook Hills members, and influence the way participants spend their time in kingdom advancement back home in Birmingham.

Possible activities: 

  • VBS at the local church
  • Financial Management workshop
  • Guest preaching at local church
  • How to Read Your Bible workshop
  • Prayer walking new neighborhoods
  • Sharing the gospel with bilingual locals
  • Visit Angkor Wat
', 'ministries' => array ( ), 'cost' => 2800, 'capacity' => 10, 'security_rating' => '', 'difficulty_rating' => '', 'leader' => 'Phaedra Galloway', 'leader_email' => '', 'registration_deadline' => '', 'registration_status' => 'Open', 'application_pdf' => NULL, 'application_url' => '', 'created_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( '$id' => '61d6131bae7c305a52f82c81', )), 'created_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1710347654, 'usec' => 813000, )), 'last_updated_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( '$id' => '61d6131bae7c305a52f82c81', )), 'last_updated_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1719423351, 'usec' => 237000, )), )