As we continue to celebrate this huge achievement of graduating, we will hold a Senior Dinner for our students and their families at Brook Hills on Sunday, May 5th from 6-8pm in the Commons! Seniors and their parents/guardians are provided with free tickets, and additional family members are $5 per. Please RSVP for each individual attending at the below links. 

Seniors + Parents/Guardians sign up.

Additional Family Members sign up.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746
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As we continue to celebrate this huge achievement of graduating, we will hold a Senior Dinner for our students and their families at Brook Hills on Sunday, May 5th from 6-8pm in the Commons! Seniors and their parents/guardians are provided with free tickets, and additional family members are $5 per. Please RSVP for each individual attending at the below links. 

Seniors + Parents/Guardians sign up.

Additional Family Members sign up.

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