This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the way He made for us to be saved. Ask God to open the ears and hearts of those around us to hear and respond in faith to the gospel message this Christmas season. Pray for us to be bold in our witness and for His light to shine through us so all might see the only way to the Father is through the Son, Jesus.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Community Care Development Network (CCDN), a partner Christian ministry located in East Lake comprised of local leaders helping to develop and maintain community programs that specialize in serving local families through the areas of family and life services, mentoring, food and clothing support, educational services, and community outreach. We are also praying for Mountaintop Community Church and Pastor Carter McInnis.
Day 1: Pray for CCDN as they work with teens to address challenges such as peer pressure, peer conflict, life skills and communication skills, and as they work with adults to address life skills, parenting skills, education needs and employment barriers.
Day 2: Pray for financial provision as CCDN seeks to raise support for a full staff, Executive Director, and part-time administration while continuing to provide food and emergency resources for families in need.
Day 3: Pray for those serving with CCDN as tutors, prayer warriors, life services volunteers, and administrative volunteers as they use their gifts and skills to minister to families in need in our community.
Day 4: Pray for new partnerships that can provide avenues in workforce and job creation, educational resources, and re-entry resources.
Day 5: Pray for the families and individuals served by CCDN to have a deep fellowship with Christ that would transform their hearts and lives.
Day 6: Pray for the CCDN leadership team to continue to be spirit-led in their pursuit of serving Christ and our city.
Pray for the World
It is our privilege as a church to send and support members of our faith family who are being sent to make disciples among the nations. The Global Offering is the primary way we send, support, and sustain those we’ve sent around the world as they engage least-reached people with the gospel. This week, as we continue our celebration and giving to the Global Offering, we want to spend time praying for those who are hearing the gospel. We asked BH Mid-Termers and Long-Termers to send the names of individuals with whom they are currently sharing the gospel. We know Christ is the only One who has the power to save. So, as our Brook Hills people faithfully share the good news with these individuals, we want to be praying as a church for God to open their eyes to see their need for a Savior and believe in Christ. Join us this week as we pray for the men and women listed below who are hearing the gospel from our missionaries this season.
Day 1: Pray for Hafiz, Sabrina, Syakir, and Hilmi who live in Southeast Asia. Pray for God to open their eyes to see their sin and their need for a Savior. Pray for the BH members who are their friends to be faithful and bold as they share.
Day 2: Pray for Sajid and Usmaan who live in Central Asia. Pray for these men as they hear the gospel from one of our Brook Hills Long-Termers. Pray they would want to continue to read more of the Bible and have their questions answered. Pray for God to reveal Himself to Sajid and Usmaan in dreams and for their hearts to be drawn to Christ.
Day 3: Pray for Irfan and Galih who are from Southeast Asia. Praise God for the access He has given our Brook Hills Long-Termers to have a friendship with these men. Pray for Irfan and Galih to not trust in their own good works or fear the spirits they believe in. Pray for God to show His power and authority in their lives and draw Irfan and Galih to Christ.
Day 4: Pray for Ahmed and Aya who live in North Africa. They are hearing the gospel from BH Long-Termers who are their friends. Pray for God to open their hearts to Christ as they study the Scriptures. Pray for them to see that Christ is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through Him.
Day 5: Pray for Tammy, Z., and Joe who are from East Asia. Pray for God to sustain the lines of communication they currently have with Brook Hills workers who have had to move back to the states. Pray for God to give them friends who are believers to continue to point them to Christ. Pray for Tammy, Z., and Joe to put their faith in Christ.
Day 6: Pray for Nerrison, Jalot, and Esterline who live in Haiti. Pray for our Brook Hills Mid-Termer who serves in Haiti to be bold with the gospel as she shares and that Nerrison, Jalot, and Esterline would believe in Christ.
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