This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the gift of work. Ask Him to help us all strive to do His will from our hearts and to work as His servants and not to only please others. Pray for all Christ-followers who are supervisors, managers, or superiors in the workplace to treat their employees well in a manner that would be pleasing to Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Lifeline Children’s Services, a Christ-centered holistic orphan care ministry in Birmingham, Alabama. Lifeline serves families by supporting them in adoption, foster care, education, and international orphan care. We’re also praying for Hunter Street Baptist Church and Pastor Buddy Gray.
Day 1: Pray for Lifeline’s international partners who are quarantined while also working to help care for their communities. Pray for, even in the midst of this pandemic, the gospel to be made known to the unreached.
Day 2: Pray for women in unexpected pregnancies. Pray those women will hear the gospel and know their life-giving options.
Day 3: Pray for the foster families who just completed Lifeline classes. Pray they will finish the remainder of the process with urgency. Pray the Lord will bring Lifeline a full foster parent class this fall.
Day 4: Pray for the churches Lifeline serves. Pray for Lifeline to continue to serve those churches well by equipping them to better care for vulnerable children and families while living out the gospel.
Day 5: Pray the Lord would keep the Lifeline staff focused on the gospel and serving with excellence. Pray the Lifeline staff does not lose sight of the daily opportunities to make God known. Pray the Lifeline staff serves their own families with excellence by displaying the love of Christ to their spouses and children.
Day 6: Pray for families in the adoption process to remain encouraged despite closures and travel restrictions. Pray for these restrictions, roadblocks, and other hurdles to be removed quickly.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Term family Caleb and Beth serving in Southeast Asia. Caleb and Beth were sent out by Brook Hills a little over a year ago to join strategic church planting work among least reached people groups in Southeast Asia. Their main goal is to be immersed in language and culture so they can engage and share the gospel effectively in their city so many might know Christ and healthy multiplying churches can be established. Currently they are in the states due to the pandemic. Join us this week as we pray for Caleb and Beth and their family.
Day 1: Beth and Caleb are thankful to be in the U.S. during this time as the cases of COVID continues to rise in their country. Praise God for providing for their family during this time and for the encouragement they have received while here.
Day 2: It seems as though Beth and Caleb will be delayed in returning to their country for a few more months. Pray for God to provide wisdom to navigate the details of obtaining the necessary visas and an open door for a return home.
Day 3: Praise God for calling Caleb and Beth to Southeast Asia. Pray for God to use them even while they are far away from their friends to make himself known throughout their city. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with their teachers and friends.
Day 4: Caleb continues to be able to work full time online with his language school. Pray for God’s grace as he studies and for many opportunities to share the gospel with his teachers.
Day 5: Pray for Caleb and Beth’s family to love Christ more deeply and abide in Him daily depending on his strength and joy.
Day 6: Pray for a spiritual awakening throughout Southeast Asia and an openness to the good news.
Sunday Setlist