This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His perfect design for marriage and for how it reflects the relationship of Christ and His Church. Pray for husbands in our faith family to selflessly and sacrificially love their wives as Christ loved the Church. Pray for wives in our faith family to gladly and respectfully submit to and support the leadership of their husbands. Pray for us all to see, understand, and embrace the mutual loving service exhibited in this relationship and strive to practice it in our own lives as we love and care for one another in God’s family.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for WorkFaith Birmingham (WFB), a gospel-centered ministry focused on workforce preparation and life development for adults with employment barriers. WFB was started by Pastor Keith Stanley, our City Ministries Pastor, to provide an avenue to come alongside adults desiring to develop the skills, ethics, and values necessary to obtain and retain employment. WFB is now under the leadership of Brook Hills member, Andy Blake. This week we’re also praying for Zion Springs Baptist Church in Avondale and Pastor Adam Mixon.
Day 1: Pray for God to continue providing opportunities for gospel conversations for WFB’s staff and volunteers with their clients, potential clients, and others in the city.
Day 2: Pray for WFB’s 900+ graduates. Pray for job and career opportunities for all of them.
Day 3: Pray for employers to register on WFB's free, new jobs platform, The Job Connection, in order to better provide job resources for clients, partners, and the whole city of Birmingham.
Day 4: Pray for success in the development and implementation of WFB's new Online Workshop that launches July 13. Pray for WFB to continue to find new ways to engage people that are struggling with unemployment and underemployment.
Day 5: Pray for God to provide new partnerships across Birmingham. Pray for the Lord to continue to bless and grow WFB’s current partnerships.
Day 6: Pray for all WFB’s clients to find a local church that will disciple them during these challenging times. Pray for their clients’ relationships with the Lord to continue to grow and mature.
Pray for the World
Please pray for the translation team working on the Baluchi Bible that Brook Hills supported during Roots & Reach. Until recently, this team has been making significant progress in the translation of the scriptures. About six weeks ago though one of the translation team members disappeared unexpectedly. After many weeks of searching, the team member was found but was tragically deceased. This particular team member was not a believer, though he was seeking and interested in the gospel. The cause of his death is still unknown. The rest of the team is devastated as they process and grieve the loss of their colleague and friend. This on top of the ongoing effects of Covid-19 has slowed the work considerably. Morale is low and discouragement is high. Join us as we pray for the Baloch translation team.
Day 1: Pray for the peace of resolution in the case of this man’s death and for God to bring supernatural strength and resolve to the team.
Day 2: Ask God to send fresh zeal, energy, passion, and vision to press on in the work for the sake of the millions of Baloch who have never heard the scriptures in their own language or the good news of Christ.
Day 3: Pray for the leaders of this team to have wisdom on how to comfort their team members and navigate the challenges that are before them.
Day 4: Pray for God to comfort the translation team and use the circumstances they are facing as a way to strengthen their faith and draw them closer to Christ.
Sunday Setlist