This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the wisdom of His Word. Ask Him to help us all learn to guard our hearts against temptation, lies, and sin. Pray for us all to encourage one another to walk in a manner worthy of Christ’s calling on our lives. Pray for God to receive great glory in our individual lives and our life as a church.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for our local Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) ministry, along with Brook Hills members and FCA leaders, Theresa Chamblee and Sarah Witkowski. FCA aims to lead every coach and athlete in Jefferson and Shelby Counties into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church by engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes on their campus, in their communities, and through sports camps. We are also praying for Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church and Pastor Bob Flayhart.
Day 1: Pray for the Lord to raise up Christian athletes, coaches, and volunteers with hearts to make disciples of all nations.
Day 2: Pray for lost coaches and athletes on campuses across our city. Pray for their eyes to be opened to their need for a savior and for FCA to be used by God as a vessel for evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship.
Day 3: Pray for favor with coaches and for access to their teams and to their hearts. Pray for them to be open to gospel conversations, to be seeking a relationship with God, and for them to see the need for Christ in their own lives and on their teams.
Day 4: Pray for God to make the student athlete leaders throughout the Birmingham area faithful and fruitful as they labor among their teammates and coaches.
Day 5: Pray for Christian coaches around the city to use their coaching platform to display and declare the love of Christ to the athletes under their leadership.
Day 6: Pray for the students who come to faith through FCA to become active members of a local church and to continue to mature in Christ.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for Brook Hills Long-Termer, Jessica S. serving in North Africa. Jessica serves among the Arundo and was originally sent out eight years ago to serve as part of our North Africa Church Planting Team. Jessica has just returned for a stateside assignment in Birmingham for a few months. She will be with our faith family during her time. We welcome her back to Brook Hills with joy and look forward to her being among us again. Join us as we pray for Jessica. We are also praying for our team serving in Central Asia.
DAY 1: Jessica just arrived in Birmingham a few weeks ago and is getting settled into her home. Pray for Jessica as she gets set up here in Birmingham and re-establishes community with friends and family.
DAY 2: Pray for God to give Jessica times of rest and renewal in His Word, as she worships with us here at Brook Hills, and in her time with those who love her.
DAY 3: Serving in North Africa is not simple or easy. There are many difficulties that Jessica has endured. Pray for God to help Jessica process her time in North Africa and strengthen her faith as she trusts in Him. Ask God to give Jessica wisdom as she considers her future.
DAY 4: Pray for Jessica as she shares with others about what God has accomplished through the work she has been part of for the last few years. Pray for others who hear her to be encouraged and mobilized to pray and join in the work among the Arundo.
DAY 5: Pray for the Arundo men and women that Jessica and her teammates have shared the gospel with. Pray for God to move their hearts towards Christ and help them see their need for a Savior. Pray for God to save Arundo men and women.
DAY 6: Pray for us at Brook Hills to receive Jessica with joy and that she would be encouraged during her time with us. Pray for God to encourage Brook Hills through Jessica and her involvement with us for the next few months.
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