This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for graciously including us in His work of spreading His gospel among all nations. Ask God for strength to obediently step forward in faith into the call He has for each of us to join Him in making disciples of Jesus here and around the world. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us in our bold witness and also our sacrificial giving during this time of year, in order to make Him known among those who have not yet heard. Ask God to multiply our gospel mission efforts to accomplish His will in the world for our good and His glory.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Birmingham Baptist Association (BBA), a cooperative effort of local Southern Baptist churches working together to create gospel advancement opportunities that reach beyond the efforts of an individual congregation. The mission of BBA is to build the kingdom of God across Metro Birmingham and beyond. We are praying especially for Chris Crain, the new Executive Director for Birmingham Baptist. We are also praying for Covenant Community Fellowship Church, Fairfield, and Pastor Frank Woodson.
DAY 1: Pray for the BBA Missionaries, John King, Michael Ethridge, Butch Henderson, and Toni Wall, and the other staff members as they continue to serve the Lord and support local Baptist churches.
DAY 2: Pray for wisdom, discernment, and guidance for Chris Crain, the new Executive Director, as he transitions into his new position of leadership.
DAY 3: Pray for the 125 churches and pastors across Birmingham who are part of the BBA family as they prepare for a new year of gospel ministry.
DAY 4: Pray for God to send more laborers to serve with Metro Changers, who provide renovation and home repair services at no cost to elderly or low-income homeowners.
DAY 5: Pray for the families in financial need who will receive Christmas stockings from the Season of Our Savior ministry this year. Pray this act of kindness done in Jesus’ name will bear much fruit and lead to gospel conversations.
DAY 6: Pray for Crossover 2019, the evangelistic outreach initiative preceding the annual Southern Baptist Convention taking place in Birmingham next June. Pray for BBA leaders and host churches as they help coordinate this outreach initiative.
Pray for the World
This week begins our month-long celebration of the Global Offering and how God has used our church to make His name known throughout the world. We are a church that desires to be obedient to what God has called us to — to make disciples of Jesus among all nations. We sacrificially give and strategically use these resources to maximize kingdom impact so God can be glorified among all people. Join us this week as we thank God for the opportunity to give to and participate in the work He is doing among all nations. To give to the Global Offering online, visit, or drop your gift in the Global Offering boxes during our regular worship gatherings.
DAY 1: Praise God for the resources with which He has blessed us. Pray for God to help us to be a generous people who are willing to give sacrificially to be a blessing to others.
DAY 2: God wants His glory to be made known among all peoples. Ask God to direct us to use our resources for the display of His glory in a world of urgent spiritual and physical need, among people who’ve never heard the gospel.
DAY 3: This year the Global Offering was used to send and support members of Brook Hills who went short-term, mid-term, and long-term. Praise God for mobilizing so many of our members to be on mission. Praise God for the opportunities to share the gospel. Praise God for saving many who heard of Christ.
DAY 4: Ask God to use our time and resources in the world around us to accomplish his purposes. Pray for the people and partners who will be impacted by the Global Offering in 2019.
DAY 5: There are still 4.2 billion people in the world who have little to no access to the gospel. Pray that by God’s grace we might overflow with generosity for the glory of Christ in the church and among the nations.
DAY 6: Ask the Lord to bless the Global Offering. Pray for our faith family to give with glad hearts and for the Lord to be pleased as we seek to glorify and honor Him through our giving.
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