This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the message of salvation in the gospel, and thank Him for those in your own life who first proclaimed the gospel to you. Pray for boldness for us all to make the most of opportunities we may have to share the gospel with those around us. Pray for faith for any who have not believed the gospel, and that others who have will follow through in obedience with salvation. Ask God to add to our faith family those He is saving.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Brook Hills Hispanic Congregation and their ministry to one another, to our city, and to the nations. On September 18, they will officially begin meeting on campus at First Baptist of Hoover to better reach the Hispanic population residing in that area. Over the next two years, they will work to become an independent church plant from Brook Hills called The Connection Church. Today we celebrate their ministry at Brook Hills over the last 14 years and send them out with much prayer as they begin this next season in Hoover.
Day 1: Pray that the Hispanic Congregation leaders, empowered by the Holy Spirit, would have God’s wisdom to oversee their many avenues of ministry: evangelism, discipleship, small groups, worship, and missions.
Day 2: Pray that God would use our Hispanic Congregation to make an impact in Hoover and across Birmingham, especially among Spanish-speaking individuals and families. Pray for their outreach initiatives, such as neighborhood small groups, music classes, after-school reading programs, biblical counseling, and special events.
Day 3: Pray that God would raise up leaders to meet their goal of starting new Spanish-speaking small groups in Hoover within the next six months. Pray that our Hispanic Congregation would boldly and passionately share the gospel with the Spanish-speaking community in the Hoover area.
Day 4: Pray for leaders, volunteers, and servants from Brook Hills to join with The Connection Church in their vision for reaching the nations in Hoover. Pray that BH members would support the efforts in Hoover by providing preschool, children’s, and student ministry volunteers on Sundays at 12:30pm.
Day 5: Pray that during this time of uncertainty for many immigrants, members of our Hispanic congregation would put their trust in God for protection and guidance and would remain focused on their mission to glorify God by making disciples of every language, tribe, and nation.
Day 6: Pray that God would continue to add to The Connection Church and for the members to continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Pray for the World
This week, we are praying for Mid-Termer, Deanna N. Deanna serves as the homeschool teacher for the missionary children of Real Hope for Haiti—a medical mission with an inpatient center for severely malnourished children, a community clinic, and gospel outreach programs.
Day 1: Pray for the country of Haiti. Pray for God to raise up government officials and leaders who will work for peace and stability in the country as gang violence continues to escalate. Pray that the gospel will penetrate hearts and minds and lead to lasting change in the country.
Day 2: Pray for travel in the country. Pray for safety and wisdom for the mission team and Haitian staff as they travel in and through Port-Au-Prince for necessary supplies. Pray for Deanna as she heads back to Haiti this week. Pray for peace of mind as she travels and for all logistics to be smooth as she returns back to her home.
Day 3: Pray for resources for Real Hope for Haiti. Pray for God to continue to provide the funding for and availability of food, medication, and fuel that is necessary to provide critical services to those who need their assistance. Pray for the men and women who work at Real Hope for Haiti to be daily replenished by the Lord.
Day 4: Pray for physical and spiritual healing of the inpatient and outpatient children and their families and the clinic patients. Many of these families walk for many miles to reach the center. Pray for safety and for healing. Pray for Deanna to remain healthy and strong as she serves many people.
Day 5: Pray for Real Hope Academy, where Deanna serves as the teacher. Pray for her students, Grace (9th), Isaiah (7th), Ameyah (7th), and Gretchen (5th). Pray they would demonstrate continued growth spiritually and academically in the 22/23 school year. Pray for Deanna to be growing in the Word and in truth as she guides them academically and spiritually. Pray that Deanna would be a light to these children and their families.
Day 6: Pray for each member of their team to lean deeply on the Lord for strength and encouragement as they seek to continue to serve the Haitian community with dedication, integrity, and compassion. Pray for team unity. Pray for quick and complete conflict resolution. Pray that they would “Love one another with brotherly affection” and that they would “outdo one another in showing honor” (Rom. 12:10).

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