This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for working things together for our good and for His glory. Pray for us to look for every opportunity we might be afforded to share the gospel with those around us, even when we find ourselves in less-than-desirable circumstances. Ask God to help us disciple and encourage one another to remain faithful at all times and to look for ways to offer support to leaders in the church and to missionaries in the field.
Pray for the City
Mission Alabama is a Christian non-profit organization that brings partners together to serve urban and rural socio-economically challenged families. They assist individuals and families, through a variety of programing and initiatives, to achieve a transformed and sustainable lives displaying the hope of God’s love. They are currently part of a nationwide initiative, CityServe (, to turn Birmingham into a city of compassion by equipping local churches to meet the practical and spiritual needs of their neighborhoods. Mission Alabama also coordinates the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast and I-Serve Alabama, a disaster response ministry. We are also praying for Christ Fellowship Church and Pastor Bart Box.
Day 1: Pray that God will ultimately be glorified through the work of Mission Alabama. Pray that He will get all of the credit and honor for the work that is accomplished by the Mission Alabama team in our city.
Day 2: Pray for strengthened relationships between Mission Alabama and their current church partners across the state. Pray that those relationships bear much fruit as they seek to serve the Lord together. Pray for new church partnerships so clients can be connected to local churches through their various ministries.
Day 3: Pray that Mission Alabama will continue to consistently serve the community well through their programs and initiatives. Pray that the Mission Alabama staff and board will continue to follow the Lord’s leading in knowing the best ways to work with the communities they are working to serve.
Day 4: Pray specifically for the Mission Alabama staff and volunteers. Pray that their hearts will remain open to God’s wisdom and will be responsive to His leading. Pray for encouragement for them and their families as they continue to serve in hard places.
Day 5: Pray specifically for the CityServe program. Pray that their initiatives – caring for the hungry, the widow, the orphan, the poor, the addicted, the prisoner, the vulnerable, the exploited, and the unreached – would come to fruition in the city of Birmingham and across the state. Pray that the church would be empowered to reach their communities in both word and deed through their partnerships with CityServe.
Day 6: Pray for financial blessings on Mission Alabama so that they can continue their work with the underserved residents of our state. Pray for God to bless the current donors and supporters because of their abundant generosity.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for our partners at Neverthirst. Neverthirst seeks to bring clean water and living water to the unreached. They do this by partnering with local churches and platforming local leaders to bridge to the gospel.
Day 1: Pray for the work happening in North Africa through Neverthirst. Pray that the gospel would be made known and that people would come to know the Living Water through the wells and relationships established there.
Day 2: Pray for the partners on the ground in North Africa. Pray that clean water solutions would give them favor in hard-to-reach areas and that this would open the door for gospel conversations.
Day 3: Pray for Pastor M, as he seeks to disciple and train other leaders in the region and for the network of pastors there. Pray that Pastor M would be encouraged and strengthened in the work that he is doing. Pray that the church network would seek to grow in gospel clarity and boldness.
Day 4: Pray for the Neverthirst leadership and team as they continue to seek out new partnerships with local leaders and churches in hard-to-reach areas. Pray for wisdom and discernment and for clarity. Pray that the Lord would help make bridges and connections for healthy and helpful partnerships.
Day 5: Pray that by meeting this physical need, individuals would come to recognize their spiritual need. Pray that hearts, minds, and ears would be sensitive to the true living water of Jesus Christ.
Day 6: A mother in one of the villages where a Neverthirst well has been planted has recently come to faith. Praise the Lord for her salvation. Pray for grace and favor for her in her village, as she could be kicked out of her village for her new faith. Pray that others in the village would hear of her faith, and would be open to the gospel.

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