WEEKLY PRAYER — We’re praying for the Shelby Baptist Association, Liberty Baptist Church and our long-termers, Abigail and Mark P.

ELDER NOMINATIONS — We are currently receiving nominations for men to serve in the role of Elder. Visit brookhills.org/eldernomination.

MEMBERSHIP CLASS — Our next Membership Class will meet Wednesdays, March 5 and 12, 6:30-8:00pm. Attendance is required for both. Childcare is provided through regular midweek ministries. Register at brookhills.org/membership.

SMALL GROUP: YOUR NEXT STEP — Knowing others and growing in Christ together are crucial to following Jesus. We want to help you find your people. Visit brookhills.org/smallgroups to search for groups or stop by Group Central in the lobby for help.

SMALL GROUP LEADER GATHERING — Leaders will gather in the Student Center today after the 10:35am gathering for lunch, equipping, and conversation with Elders. Childcare is closed but we have room for a few more leaders if you missed registration.

NEW GROUP IN HOMEWOOD — Chris and Kenda Germain are leading a new group on Tuesdays at 5:30pm for young adults with or without children. Email for more info.

COLLEGE STUDENTS — College Community Group meets at 9:00am on Sundays in the Student Center. We also have weekly small groups. Learn more at brookhills.org/college or follow us on Instagram @brookhillscollege.

HOST OPPORTUNITIES — Women, register to host a book discussion or dinner group this spring. Visit brookhills.org/bookgroup or brookhils.org/titus2dg for more information and to register. Host registration closes tomorrow, February 10.

COLLEGE RETREAT — Join us February 15-16 at Camp Hargis for our upcoming retreat, Devoted! We’ll listen to biblical teaching, engage in worship, participate in breakouts, hike trails, enjoy campfires, and more. Sign up at brookhills.org/collegeretreat!

RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE — Join us as we give back to our community! The blood drive will be held on Thursday, February 20, 1:00-6:00pm in the Student Center. Visit brookhills.org/blooddrive to register.

GLOBAL CONNECTION — As part of the Great Commission Conference, we are providing opportunities for you to hear from our missionaries in the Community Room at 6:30pm on Tuesday-Thursday, February 18-20, and on Sunday, February 23, at 8:00, 9:00, and 10:35am.

YOUNG COUPLES TRIVIA NIGHT — Couples in your 20s/30s, join us at Baba Java's Hoover/Highway 31 location on Saturday, March 8 at 7:00pm for a night of trivia, prizes, and your favorite made-to-order coffee drinks–on us! RSVP at brookhills.org/couplestrivia.

MEN'S NIGHT: BRATS AND BASKETBALL — Men and boys, join us Thursday, March 20 at 6:30pm in the Student Center. We'll enjoy bratwursts, dips, other game day food, and good conversation while watching the first round. Cost is $10. Register at brookhills.org/mensnight.

FRIDAY MEN'S COMMUNITY GROUP — Join us as we explore how every book of the Old Testament points to Christ. If you're reading the Bible through this year, this study is a fantastic supplement. We meet every Friday at 6:15am in the Community Room.

WOMEN'S FOCUS STUDY — Join us for this four-week study on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm beginning February 25. Led by Janet Pope, we'll look at four different prayers to expand your vision of what God intends for our prayer lives. Visit brookhills.org/focus to register.

WOMEN — There's still time to register for a weekday small group. Visit brookhills.org/wmnspr25 for more information and to register. If you want to stay up to date on all that's happening this semester, email April Flynn at to be added to our monthly newsletter.

SERVE STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS — Contact Dawn Stephens, , to learn more about being a friend and helper to a 6th-12th grade student on Sunday mornings.

STUDENT CAMPS REGISTRATION — Registration for Middle School and High School Camps is now OPEN! Middle School Camp is May 27-31 at Covenant College on Lookout Mountain and High School Camp is June 27-30 at CampToKnowHim. Visit brookhills.org/middleschoolcamp or brookhills.org/highschoolcamp to register.

COSTA RICA SHORT TERM TRIP — If you would be interested in leading or joining our short-term trip to Costa Rica June 21-28, contact . Our team will come alongside a local pastor seeking to engage a community without a local church.

WE HAVE SEVERAL MISSIONARY FAMILIES COMING TO BIRMINGHAM FOR THE CONFERENCE! — Some are in need of transportation. If you are able to spare one of your vehicles that week, contact . At least two smaller cars and four vans/suvs are needed.

THE GREAT COMMISSION CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 21-23 — Please take a moment to register at brookhills.org/conference.

LEVERAGE YOUR BUSINESS FOR THE NATIONS — Join BH and surrounding area business people to learn how to leverage your business skills for the gospel by registering for the Friday, February, 21 business luncheon at Philadelphia Baptist Church. Details at brookhills.org/conference. Registration closes Thursday.

PROVIDE A MEAL FOR ESL — Can you and your small group help on a Thursday night by providing a meal or sides for our international friends? If you are interested, email Grace at .

WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE CITY? — Sign up for the City Ministries Eblast to hear about work in the city and how you can get involved! Subscribe to the email at brookhills.org/cmsubscribe.