Global Blog

Learn more about our global strategy and current global realities on our blog, Global Dispatch.

Resource List

View our list of recommended resources that we regularly refer to and that have shaped our global strategy and philosophy of ministry.

For more hands-on training, we offer:

Equipping Modules

Each spring semester, four modules are offered to equip those in our body that have either formally entered the sending process or merely want to be equipped to be more faithful in disciple-making. This is a great first step for those who are exploring what global disciple-making looks like at The Church at Brook Hills and are also exploring potentially serving themselves. These modules center on teaching the Bible faithfully, what the gospel is and how it shapes a philosophy of ministry, how the Great Commission is church work, and how the gospel enables endurance through suffering. Each module meets once a month from January to April. Each participant will be assigned a coach during this time to help strengthen the rhythms of evangelism and discipleship. This curriculum and coaching function as prerequisites for being affirmed as a Mid-Termer or Long-Termer. These modules are strongly recommended for marketplace pathways as well.

Global Cohort

Every other year, Global hosts a nine-month training cohort that meets weekly for book discussions and forms a text-governed, gospel-centered philosophy of ministry. View our curriculum map and contact for more information.


One of our core commitments is to train leaders for the global church and one way we do that is through our apprenticeship. We take applications in the summer for 2-4 individuals who have ministry aspirations and would like to grow and be discipled intentionally with a view toward church leadership and global disciple-making. The normal timeframe for this apprenticeship is August through May. To apply or learn more, contact .