This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His design for motherhood. Pray all of our mothers will embrace their role and responsibility in preparing their children for the lives to which God has called them. Pray for women who desire to have children but have found that to be a struggle to find comfort in God and His plan for them. Pray for mothers whose children have passed away to find peace in God. Pray for women throughout our faith family who are spiritual mothers to so many to continue in making disciples both here and around the world.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Christian Marriages in Crisis (CMIC), a ministry of Living 180. The ministry was founded and is led by Brook Hills members, Paul and Suzi Talley. CMIC works to bring healing, restoration, and healthy communication to Christian couples experiencing crisis in their marriage. They provide couple-to-couple counseling, a community of encouragers, and special workshops for wives, husbands, and couples. We are also praying for Double Oak Community Church and Pastor Adam Robinson.
Day 1: Pray for CMIC to have the resources needed to continue to offer free support to couples in crisis.
Day 2: Pray for God to give wisdom and guidance to CMIC as they prepare their virtual counseling service with videos, written materials, and regular Skype sessions.
Day 3: Pray for Paul and Suzi Talley as they lead this ministry. Pray they would have wisdom, not become overloaded, balance family and ministry well, develop their personal walk with the Lord, and continue to make their own marriage a priority.
Day 4: Pray for the marriages across our city and world that are under additional stress due to COVID-19. Pray for marriage to be held in honor among all and that those who are struggling will seek help.
Day 5: Pray for the struggling couples who have stepped away from their regular counseling sessions due to the online format during this season. Pray for the Lord to protect their marriages and give them the spiritual resources to reconcile and heal.
Day 6: Pray for spiritual protection as the Talleys and others serve on the front lines of ministry, engaging with the enemy of marriage on a daily basis. Pray for them to be open and vulnerable, and for them to have strong accountability and support from those around them.
Pray for the World
Two weeks ago was the beginning of Ramadan for 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. For this month Muslims all over the world will abstain from food, drink, and other pleasures during the day in order to try and remove their sin and draw closer to God. Brook Hills has strategically sent out workers and church planting teams to many Muslim people groups around the world for gospel engagement. Join us as we intercede on behalf of Muslim men and women around the world.
Day 1: Pray for God to soften the hearts of Muslim men and women to the gospel and for Christ to be revealed leading them in the way of truth (John 14:6).
Day 2: Pray for God to reveal Himself to many Muslims during Ramadan in dreams and visions.
Day 3: Pray for all of our Brook Hills members working with Muslim people to have boldness, courage, and passion as they
proclaim the good news of Christ to their Muslim friends this month.
Day 4: Pray for more movements of Muslims coming to Christ and churches being planted.
Day 5: Pray for God to open creative opportunities for Brook Hills members to engage their Muslim neighbors in Birmingham during Ramadan. Pray for God to provide opportunities for gospel conversations especially during the pandemic.
Day 6: Ramadan allows for a heightened spiritual awareness for Muslims. Pray for God to save those who are seeking Him. Pray for the message of salvation by grace and through faith in Christ alone to be proclaimed to Muslim men and women. Pray for God to receive praise that is due His name among all peoples.
Sunday Setlist