This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Ask God to bless all of our ministry efforts but to help us continue to prioritize making disciples here and among all peoples. Pray our love for Jesus will drive our passion for His mission. Pray for God to grow our church by adding to our number all those He is saving through our gospel witness. Ask God to help each of us see the role we have to play in accomplishing the Great Commission.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Birmingham Baptist Association (BBA), a cooperative effort of local Southern Baptist (SBC) churches working together to create gospel advancement opportunities that reach beyond the efforts of an individual congregation. The mission of the BBA is to build the kingdom of God across metro Birmingham and beyond. We are also praying for Brookwood Baptist Church and Pastor Jim Barnette.
DAY 1: Pray for all the churches and pastors across Birmingham who are part of the BBA family as they prepare for a new year of gospel ministry. Pray for their leaders to have the wisdom of Christ to accomplish the ministry of Christ.
DAY 2: Pray for the BBA churches to effectively reach out to those without Christ or without a church family in the Birmingham Metro area. Pray for every church to be effective in making new disciples in 2018.
DAY 3: Pray for the BBA churches to work together to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our city and beyond.
DAY 4: Pray for the BBA’s staff as they yield to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
DAY 5: Pray as the BBA implements new changes this next year in order to enhance their support of the local church.
DAY 6: Praise God for His grace in providing for the ministry of the BBA. Pray for continual grace in the coming year.
Pray for the World
Sunday Setlist
May the Peoples Praise You
Verse 1
You have called us out of darkest night
Into Your glorious light
That we may sing the wonders of
The risen Christ
Verse 2
May our every breath retell the grace
That broke into our strife
With boundless love and deepest joy
With endless life
May the peoples praise You
Let the nations be glad
All Your blessing comes
That we may praise
May praise the Name of Jesus
Verse 3
All the earth is Yours and all within
Each harvest is Your own
And from Your hand we give to You
To make Christ known
Verse 4
May the seeds of mercy grow in us
For those who have not heard
May songs of praise build lives of grace
To spread Your Word
Verse 5
This our holy priv'lege to declare
Your praises and Your name
To every nation tribe and tongue
Your church proclaims
Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty
Worthy worthy is the Lamb who was slain (2x)
Holy Holy is the Lord Almighty
All creation praise Your glorious name
Angels We Have Heard on High
Verse 1
Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plains
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Verse 2
Shepherds why this jubilee
Why your joyous strains prolong
What the gladsome tidings be
Which inspire your heavenly song
Verse 3
Come to Bethlehem and see
Christ whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord the newborn King
Verse 4
See Him in a manger laid
Whom the choirs of angels praise
Mary Joseph lend your aid
While our hearts in love we raise
Praise the King
Verse 1
There's a reason why the curse of sin is broken
There's a reason why the darkness runs from light
There's a reason why we stand here now forgiven
Jesus is alive
Verse 2
There’s a reason why we are not overtaken
There’s a reason why we sing on through the night
There’s a reason why our hope remains eternal
Jesus is alive
Praise the King He is risen
Praise the King He's alive (yeah)
Praise the King death's defeated
Hallelujah He's alive (oh)
(Hallelujah He's alive)
Verse 3
There's a reason why our hearts can be courageous
There's a reason why the dead are made alive
There's a reason why we share His resurrection
Jesus is alive (oh He's alive)
The grave could not ignore it
When all of heaven's roaring
Hell where is your victory
Death where is your sting
The world could not ignore it
When all the saints are roaring
Hell where is your victory
Death where is your sting
Hallelujah He’s alive (oh)
Hallelujah He’s alive (oh)
Hallelujah He’s alive
Christ is Mine Forevermore
Verse 1
Mine are days that God has numbered
I was made to walk with Him
Yet I look for worldly treasure
And forsake the King of kings
Chorus 1
But mine is hope in my Redeemer
Though I fall His love is sure
For Christ has paid for every failing
I am His forevermore
Verse 2
Mine are tears in times of sorrow
Darkness not yet understood
Through the valley I must travel
Where I see no earthly good
Chorus 2
But mine is peace that flows from heaven
And the strength in times of need
I know my pain will not be wasted
Christ completes His work in me
Verse 3
Mine are days here as a stranger
Pilgrim on a narrow way
One with Christ I will encounter
Harm and hatred for His name
Chorus 3
But mine is armour for this battle
Strong enough to last the war
And He has said He will deliver
Safely to the golden shore
Chorus 4
And mine are keys to Zion city
Where beside the King I walk
For there my heart has found its treasure
Christ is mine forevermore
Come rejoice now O my soul
For His love is my reward
Fear is gone and hope is sure
Christ is mine forevermore
All I Have is Christ
Verse 1
I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still
Verse 2
But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God's love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace
Hallelujah all I have is Christ
Hallelujah Jesus is my life
Verse 3
Now Lord I would be Yours alone
And live so all might see
The strength to follow Your commands
Could never come from me
O Father use my ransomed life
In any way You choose
And let my song forever be
My only boast is You