Rob Grubb

Rob Grubb and his wife, Shawn, have been married since 1988 and are the parents of three adult children. They have been members of Brook Hills since 2007. Rob professed faith in Christ and was baptized at the age of 8. He is the co-founder and COO of OneAscent, a financial service business.
Rob and Shawn have developed material called, “Developing a Generation of Sexual Purity,” which they currently teach in addition to helping disciple couples through various marital issues and struggles. Previously, Rob served as an elder, led an adult small group, served on our Pastor Search Team, and participated in multiple short-term trips. He considers his spiritual gifts to include teaching, leadership, giving, and administration.
When asked about his desire to serve as an elder again, Rob said:
“My desire is to be a willing servant of Jesus. I am committed to serve Him as He leads my life. Therefore, as I enter in this Elder selection process, I believe the Lord will reveal His perfect will for me in this regard. If He calls me to serve Him in this capacity, I desire to trust in His sovereignty and obey.”