Robin Cheatham

Ministry Role & Responsibility: As Associate Preschool Minister to children ages three through kindergarten, God has allowed me the opportunity to partner with parents and small group leaders. Working together, it's our goal to help preschoolers know Jesus and grow in their understanding of His great love for them. I enjoy spending time with the children and getting to know their families. One of my favorite days each year is standing alongside parents at our Bible Presentation Celebration. Praying with moms and dads, who understand the importance of God’s Word in the lives of their children, and watching them as they present their child with a new full text Bible is simply the best!
About Me: I'm married to my best friend, Don, and we have four children, Chad, Liesa, Christian, and Faith. We’re also known as Mimi & Papi’ to our three granddaughters, Emma, Claire, and Hannah.
On Staff Since: 2004
Member Of Brook Hills Since: 1992
Favorite Scripture:
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." – Psalm 37:3-4
Many years ago, through God's Word through his servant, King David, God showed me that I needed to trust and follow Him simply because He was my God. He is in control of everything and all of a sudden, these words took on a new meaning for me. I would delight and trust in Him because God gave His only son, who paid the price for my sin. Nothing I could ever desire could compare to that. When I allowed my heart to focus on God alone and not the things of this world, He truly became the desire of my heart.
Interesting Fact: I love football! My kids are embarrassed to watch games with me because I yell and do crazy cheers. ROLL TIDE!