McKenzie Schumpert

Human Resources Director

Ministry Role & Responsibility: As the Director of Human Resources, I am responsible for onboarding new team members and overseeing the payroll and benefits for all Brook Hills staff.


About Me: I grew up in Nashville but moved to Birmingham in 2016 when I married my husband, Grant. We have loved being in Birmingham and now have two young children. Before having kids, I worked at Brook Hills for the Student and College ministries. In 2021, I was able to come back on staff as a part of the Administrative Team. I enjoy reading, DIY projects, board games, and anything I can do alongside a friend.


On Staff Since: June 2021


Member of Brook Hills Since: 2016


Favorite Scripture:


"Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship." - Romans 12:1


Interesting Fact: I got to stand ten feet from Maroon 5 as they performed all their hit a private Paris.

Phone: 205-313-7761