Austin Gibson
Ministry Role & Responsibility: As the technology associate, I am responsible for equipping our ministries with tools and training to use technology for ministry success. I recruit and train volunteers to operate audio, lighting, and video equipment campus wide, as well as running sound for Worship Gatherings.
About Me: I grew up in the Birmingham area where, in high school, I began to learn about audio, video, and lighting in a church that did several large productions each year. I became enthralled with the tech world and how everything worked. After high school, I worked with various live production companies and bands, and I spent a summer on the road with Student Life camp as an audio engineer where God began to reveal His purpose for my life: to serve God by using the gifts He gave me to bring glory to His name.
On Staff Since: August 2017
Favorite Scripture:
"Bless our God, you peoples; let the sound of his praise be heard." — Psalm 66:8
Interesting Fact: I spent a month in the summer of 2014 installing the first IMAX theatre in the country of Pakistan.