Ashley Chesnut

Associate Young Adult Minister

Ministry Role & Responsibility: As the Associate Young Adult Minister, I coordinate Young Adult events, equip and care for small group leaders in this demographic, connect people to small groups, and do some short-term counseling for young women at our church. I also oversee our church's sermon-based Small Group Guides and work with our Women's Minister to brainstorm and plan women's events..

About Me: I grew up in Georgia as the child of a college minister and, at an early age, sensed God calling me to ministry. Attending Beeson Divinity School brought me to Birmingham in 2008, and Brook Hills was the first church I visited when I moved here. While a seminary student, I began interning with BH's College Ministry, which later led to a full-time job at Brook Hills.

I love to learn and deeply care for the people I serve, and God has used these two things to lead me back to school on more than one occasion. I have a Master of Divinity from Beeson, a Certificate of Biblical Counseling from SEBTS, and am currently working on a Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. In the midst of school, I released a book with B&H Publishing called It's Not Just You: Freeing Women to Talk About Sexual Sin and Fight It Well, and this book results from years of conversations with young women in Birmingham and at Brook Hills about struggling with sexual sin as a follower of Jesus.

While I have a passion for discipling young women, I also love this city and have published several children's books and coloring books about Birmingham (@downintheham). An avid coffee drinker and foodie, you can typically find me with a latte in hand or enjoying Birmingham's food scene.

On Staff Since: March 2011

Member Of Brook Hills Since: 2011

Favorite Scripture:

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an everlasting rock." – Isaiah 26:3-4

Interesting Fact: I can look at a chicken and tell how many eggs it has laid. I even won a national contest for this in 2003.

Phone: 205-313-7790