Marlin and Nan Priest, along with David & Gay Cole, co-lead a group for Teens/College Parents and Empty Nesters in C114 at 10:35am. Guests are always welcome!

We call ourselves, "Life in the Middle." Our Group is made up of parents of children, parents of teens, parents of college students, parents of young adults, and parents becoming the parents of our parents.


  • Location

    -On Campus
  • Life Stage

    Teen/College Parent(s), Empty Nesters
  • Type

  • Childcare Provided?

  • Date/Time

    Sunday at
  • Recurrence

  • Leader

    Marlin Priest
  • Contact

    Contact Group Leader

EMPTY SEARCH? Here are tips!
Try using less parameters.
For OFF-CAMPUS group searches, start with only the location.
For ON-CAMPUS group searches, use location (On-Campus) and lifestage.
If you don't find your lifestage, try multi-gen.

If the group search doesn't work for you, we're glad to help.
If you would like for a member of our Small Groups Team to recommend a group
for you, please complete this request form to get started.