Would you like to meet some new friends at Brook Hills and enjoy a homemade meal?

If so, join us for our Young Adult Potluck on Saturday, August 26, at 5:30pm in the Student Center at the church. Pull out your favorite recipes, sign up to bring a dish, and bring a friend! 

This event is for all Young Adults at Brook Hills. This includes Singles 20s/30s, Young Married Couples, & Parents of Preschoolers. Kids are welcome at this event.

RSVP by clicking here to sign up to bring a dish. Even if you're unable to bring something, please don't let that keep you from coming. Just reach out to Ashley Chesnut at , so we can know how many people to expect.


  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7790
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Would you like to meet some new friends at Brook Hills and enjoy a homemade meal?

If so, join us for our Young Adult Potluck on Saturday, August 26, at 5:30pm in the Student Center at the church. Pull out your favorite recipes, sign up to bring a dish, and bring a friend! 

This event is for all Young Adults at Brook Hills. This includes Singles 20s/30s, Young Married Couples, & Parents of Preschoolers. Kids are welcome at this event.

RSVP by clicking here to sign up to bring a dish. Even if you\'re unable to bring something, please don\'t let that keep you from coming. Just reach out to Ashley Chesnut at , so we can know how many people to expect.


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