Join Brook Hills City Ministries for a one-day intensive When Helping Hurts Workshop on Saturday, February 10, 2024. We will meet from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm in B-303.  

This workshop will feature a special lens towards serving the vulnerable in Urban contexts across Birmingham. The round-table discussion will help you have a better understanding of what poverty is, the causes of poverty, and how the church can step into caring for those in poverty without causing more damage to the person, family, or community in need.

If you are active in local or global mission work, this workshop is designed to give you useful handles that can be used as you seek to love and serve God's people well.

The cost of the workshop is $10.00 and includes snacks, lunch, and a copy of When Helping Hurts. Please register at the link below.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7701


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Join Brook Hills City Ministries for a one-day intensive When Helping Hurts Workshop on Saturday, February 10, 2024. We will meet from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm in B-303.  

This workshop will feature a special lens towards serving the vulnerable in Urban contexts across Birmingham. The round-table discussion will help you have a better understanding of what poverty is, the causes of poverty, and how the church can step into caring for those in poverty without causing more damage to the person, family, or community in need.

If you are active in local or global mission work, this workshop is designed to give you useful handles that can be used as you seek to love and serve God\'s people well.

The cost of the workshop is $10.00 and includes snacks, lunch, and a copy of When Helping Hurts. Please register at the link below.

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