Women's Weekday Small Groups Spring 2023

Join us as we kick off our new spring weekday women’s small groups this year!

Our Format This Spring:

Spring Kick-off Brunch:
Our Mom Time and Women’s Community Group will study different topics this spring, but we will kick off our semester together on Wednesday, January 25, 2023!

At our January 25th brunch, women from both of these groups will have an opportunity to continue growing friendships with their Sister Groups. Sister Groups are two small groups that connected last fall to form stronger friendships and model Titus 2 in our church. Sister Groups will stay connected again this spring and new women are welcome to join this spring!

Our Women's Minister, Dawn Stephens, will dialogue with a few of our women at the brunch about what Christian women's friendship looks like and encourage us in our friendships this spring. We will have some intentional table talk time around this topic....join the conversation!

Spring 2023 Schedule:

  • January 25 Joint Kick-off Brunch: 10:00am-12:00pm in the Student Center
  • February 1-May 3: Both groups will meet these weeks for their fall semester:
    • Mom Time - will start together in Room B304 
    • Women's Community Group - will start together in the Community Room
    • Childcare for both groups is located in the B Building. Check-in each week is at the Lobby Welcome Center
  • May 10 Joint Wrap-up Brunch: 10:00am-12:00pm in the Student Center - more fun details to come!

Register here for childcare for the Kick-off Brunch, Mom Time, and Women's Community Group spring semester.

The Registration below includes options to register for groups for:

  • January 25 Joint Kick-off Brunch
  • Mom Time Spring Semester
  • Women's Community Group Spring Semester

Click here to access details on our Women's Community Group study and to purchase your workbook.

Please  know if you have any questions, looking forward to seeing you then!

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7791
Unfortunately, the form is not active at this time.
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Women\'s Weekday Small Groups Spring 2023

Join us as we kick off our new spring weekday women’s small groups this year!

Our Format This Spring:

Spring Kick-off Brunch:
Our Mom Time and Women’s Community Group will study different topics this spring, but we will kick off our semester together on Wednesday, January 25, 2023!

At our January 25th brunch, women from both of these groups will have an opportunity to continue growing friendships with their Sister Groups. Sister Groups are two small groups that connected last fall to form stronger friendships and model Titus 2 in our church. Sister Groups will stay connected again this spring and new women are welcome to join this spring!

Our Women\'s Minister, Dawn Stephens, will dialogue with a few of our women at the brunch about what Christian women\'s friendship looks like and encourage us in our friendships this spring. We will have some intentional table talk time around this topic....join the conversation!

Spring 2023 Schedule:

  • January 25 Joint Kick-off Brunch: 10:00am-12:00pm in the Student Center
  • February 1-May 3: Both groups will meet these weeks for their fall semester:
    • Mom Time - will start together in Room B304 
    • Women\'s Community Group - will start together in the Community Room
    • Childcare for both groups is located in the B Building. Check-in each week is at the Lobby Welcome Center
  • May 10 Joint Wrap-up Brunch: 10:00am-12:00pm in the Student Center - more fun details to come!

Register here for childcare for the Kick-off Brunch, Mom Time, and Women\'s Community Group spring semester.

The Registration below includes options to register for groups for:

  • January 25 Joint Kick-off Brunch
  • Mom Time Spring Semester
  • Women\'s Community Group Spring Semester

Click here to access details on our Women\'s Community Group study and to purchase your workbook.

Please  know if you have any questions, looking forward to seeing you then!

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