Trauma Informed Care Workshop

On the Homefront and In the Classroom


Join us as we review how childhood trauma impacts the brain and body and look at ways we can help our kids process and find healing.

When: Saturday, September 28, 2024 | 8:30am - 12:30pm

Where: The Church at Brook Hills, 3145 Brook Highland Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242

Who: for foster parents, kinship parents, adoptive parents, teachers, church & community volunteers, social workers

Foster Parents will receive CEUs. Teachers can receive training certificates and Social Workers can receive CEU hours to fulfill State requirements for $15

More details about the workshop will be added to this webpage at a later date. Registration link will go live on July 28.

Questions? Email


  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7720
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Trauma Informed Care Workshop

On the Homefront and In the Classroom


Join us as we review how childhood trauma impacts the brain and body and look at ways we can help our kids process and find healing.

When: Saturday, September 28, 2024 | 8:30am - 12:30pm

Where: The Church at Brook Hills, 3145 Brook Highland Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242

Who: for foster parents, kinship parents, adoptive parents, teachers, church & community volunteers, social workers

Foster Parents will receive CEUs. Teachers can receive training certificates and Social Workers can receive CEU hours to fulfill State requirements for $15

More details about the workshop will be added to this webpage at a later date. Registration link will go live on July 28.

Questions? Email


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