If we have the opportunity to engage with kids with trauma backgrounds, we need to understand what is going on in their bodies, minds and hearts. Children who have experienced trauma carry both visible and hidden wounds. They often struggle with trust and receiving love, and their only coping methods may be to withdraw, shut down or act out.

Our Brook Hills Foster Care Ministry team is thrilled to join our partner, Foster Coalition, as well as other co-laborers in the area at the Trauma Informed Care Training Conference. This conference will help educate and equip so that we can better provide a safe, secure environment where kids can develop new coping methods and start healing. 

When: April 20, 2024, 8:30am - 12:30pm

Location: Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church, 5080 Cahaba Valley Trace, Birmingham, AL, 35242

Facilitators and Speakers: Foster Coalition, AL Baptist Children's Homes, Lifeline Children's Services, Sojourn Counseling & Created Ministries

Who should participate: Foster Parents, Teachers, Church volunteers, Counselors, Social Workers, GALs, CASA volunteers

There is no charge for the conference.

Childcare is not available.

Foster Parents will receive CEU certificates. 

Teachers & Counselors can receive training certificates, Social Workers can receive CEU hours to fulfill State requirements for $15.

Please fill out the registration form below if you would like to attend. 

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-490-1545


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If we have the opportunity to engage with kids with trauma backgrounds, we need to understand what is going on in their bodies, minds and hearts. Children who have experienced trauma carry both visible and hidden wounds. They often struggle with trust and receiving love, and their only coping methods may be to withdraw, shut down or act out.

Our Brook Hills Foster Care Ministry team is thrilled to join our partner, Foster Coalition, as well as other co-laborers in the area at the Trauma Informed Care Training Conference. This conference will help educate and equip so that we can better provide a safe, secure environment where kids can develop new coping methods and start healing. 

When: April 20, 2024, 8:30am - 12:30pm

Location: Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church, 5080 Cahaba Valley Trace, Birmingham, AL, 35242

Facilitators and Speakers: Foster Coalition, AL Baptist Children\'s Homes, Lifeline Children\'s Services, Sojourn Counseling & Created Ministries

Who should participate: Foster Parents, Teachers, Church volunteers, Counselors, Social Workers, GALs, CASA volunteers

There is no charge for the conference.

Childcare is not available.

Foster Parents will receive CEU certificates. 

Teachers & Counselors can receive training certificates, Social Workers can receive CEU hours to fulfill State requirements for $15.

Please fill out the registration form below if you would like to attend. 

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