On Thursday nights, our co-ed Young Adult softball team will be playing. Location differs between Hoover East (2641 Old Rocky Ridge Rd.) and Spain Park, so check the schedule below in order to know which location.

We've had a good time hanging out at the ball field the past couple of summers cheering on our team, so come hang out with us on Thursday nights this summer!

Here's the schedule for this season:

  • May 26 at 6:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 2 at 7:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 9 at 8:30pm (Spain Park Field #4)
  • June 16 at 7:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 23 at 9:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 30 (off week)
  • July 7 at 7:30pm (Hoover East)
  • July 14 at 9:30pm (Spain Park Field #4)  
  • July 21 at 6:30pm (Spain Park Field #4)
  • July 28 (playoffs)
  • Because of rain delays, there will be games in August as well. Times TBD.
  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7790
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On Thursday nights, our co-ed Young Adult softball team will be playing. Location differs between Hoover East (2641 Old Rocky Ridge Rd.) and Spain Park, so check the schedule below in order to know which location.

We\'ve had a good time hanging out at the ball field the past couple of summers cheering on our team, so come hang out with us on Thursday nights this summer!

Here\'s the schedule for this season:

  • May 26 at 6:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 2 at 7:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 9 at 8:30pm (Spain Park Field #4)
  • June 16 at 7:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 23 at 9:30pm (Hoover East)
  • June 30 (off week)
  • July 7 at 7:30pm (Hoover East)
  • July 14 at 9:30pm (Spain Park Field #4)  
  • July 21 at 6:30pm (Spain Park Field #4)
  • July 28 (playoffs)
  • Because of rain delays, there will be games in August as well. Times TBD.
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