We know that one of the hardest things for a freshman or student on their own to do once they leave home is get connected to a local body of believers. So, in an effort to give our students the practical tools they’ll need for this next chapter, we will be leading our students to two local churches, here in the Birmingham area, on Sunday, April 16th where they will attend worship by themselves, and talk with members or staff of the church, on their own, to see how to get connected to the college ministry or a small group. We will reconvene as a group at lunch to discuss challenges and the best ways to get connected to a local church as they move away from home. Students will need to register here and bring money for lunch. We will let you know which churches we will be attending once we confirm them.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746
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We know that one of the hardest things for a freshman or student on their own to do once they leave home is get connected to a local body of believers. So, in an effort to give our students the practical tools they’ll need for this next chapter, we will be leading our students to two local churches, here in the Birmingham area, on Sunday, April 16th where they will attend worship by themselves, and talk with members or staff of the church, on their own, to see how to get connected to the college ministry or a small group. We will reconvene as a group at lunch to discuss challenges and the best ways to get connected to a local church as they move away from home. Students will need to register here and bring money for lunch. We will let you know which churches we will be attending once we confirm them.

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