Join us for our next church-wide Prayer Gathering, Wednesday, February 7, at 6:30pm in the Worship Center. A portion of our time will be spent in prayer for one another’s requests we’ll submit that night.

Preschool ministry is available for children from birth through kindergarten, but all other ministries are invited to pray with us. Additionally, we invite you to join us on campus as we will not be able to livestream this gathering.

  • Start Date

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Join us for our next church-wide Prayer Gathering, Wednesday, February 7, at 6:30pm in the Worship Center. A portion of our time will be spent in prayer for one another’s requests we’ll submit that night.

Preschool ministry is available for children from birth through kindergarten, but all other ministries are invited to pray with us. Additionally, we invite you to join us on campus as we will not be able to livestream this gathering.

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