On the night before Jesus died, He celebrated the Passover with the disciples, and this meal is one of the annual feasts that Jews would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate.

Jesus would have eaten this meal on a Thursday, died on Friday (Good Friday), and been resurrected on Sunday (Easter). So, on the Thursday before Easter, we will learn more about the traditions and customs associated with the Jewish Passover as we eat together and learn how this meal ultimately points to Christ.

Registration is required for this meal, and space is limited. So, please RSVP at the link below. 

This event is free and will take place in the Student Center at Brook Hills. The event will begin promptly at 7pm and last for 2 hours, so please arrive 10 minutes early.

*You may want to eat a snack before coming because the "meal" will include sample portions of various foods. For those who are GF, know that we will be serving traditional matzah, which does contain gluten.

For February-September, we'll have monthly Young Adult Gatherings on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm. These events are open to singles in their 20s/30s, young married couples in their 20s/30s, and parents of preschoolers at Brook Hills.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7790

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 03/29/2024.

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On the night before Jesus died, He celebrated the Passover with the disciples, and this meal is one of the annual feasts that Jews would travel to Jerusalem to celebrate.

Jesus would have eaten this meal on a Thursday, died on Friday (Good Friday), and been resurrected on Sunday (Easter). So, on the Thursday before Easter, we will learn more about the traditions and customs associated with the Jewish Passover as we eat together and learn how this meal ultimately points to Christ.

Registration is required for this meal, and space is limited. So, please RSVP at the link below. 

This event is free and will take place in the Student Center at Brook Hills. The event will begin promptly at 7pm and last for 2 hours, so please arrive 10 minutes early.

*You may want to eat a snack before coming because the "meal" will include sample portions of various foods. For those who are GF, know that we will be serving traditional matzah, which does contain gluten.

For February-September, we\'ll have monthly Young Adult Gatherings on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm. These events are open to singles in their 20s/30s, young married couples in their 20s/30s, and parents of preschoolers at Brook Hills.

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This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 03/29/2024.

', )