Please join us for a brief lunch meeting on Sunday, August 21 at 12:00pm in room B-304 to meet one of our new ministry partners, Minuteman Disaster Response

The plan for this meeting is short and sweet. We’ll provide Jim-N-Nicks for lunch along with a short presentation from some of the Minuteman leadership and will close with a few minutes for questions. We plan to wrap up by 1:00pm. 

Sign-up below by Wednesday, August 17th.

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-337-3461

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 08/18/2022.

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Please join us for a brief lunch meeting on Sunday, August 21 at 12:00pm in room B-304 to meet one of our new ministry partners, Minuteman Disaster Response

The plan for this meeting is short and sweet. We’ll provide Jim-N-Nicks for lunch along with a short presentation from some of the Minuteman leadership and will close with a few minutes for questions. We plan to wrap up by 1:00pm. 

Sign-up below by Wednesday, August 17th.

', 'ministries' => array ( ), 'categories' => array ( ), 'contact_name' => 'Nate Farrow', 'contact_email' => '', 'contact_phone' => '205-337-3461', 'includes_registration' => '62f14f36ae7c303732a9cd5c', 'external_registration_url' => '', 'created_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '55b688af7ffa7962151c43e2', )), )), 'created_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1659983559, 'usec' => 131000, )), 'last_updated_by' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '55b688af7ffa7962151c43e2', )), )), 'last_updated_on' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1659985034, 'usec' => 780000, )), '_ord' => array ( '_all' => 62, ), '_register_form' => '

This form is no longer available. It was closed for further submissions on 08/18/2022.

', )