This Spring (April 30, May 7, & May 14), we'll walk through a new sermon series together in our Sunday worship gatherings all about what it means to be ALL IN as members of The Church at Brook Hills loving Jesus, growing in Jesus, and making disciple of Jesus together. Along with this series, we're offering a unique opportunity for anyone not yet a member of Brook Hills to complete our membership process without having to attend a separate membership class.

WHO IS THIS FOR: Any child, teenager, or adult who is a Christian and knows God has led you to Brook Hills to be your faith family but hasn't yet been through our typical membership process.

WHAT IS INVOLVED: To become a member of Brook Hills through our ALL IN series, an individual needs to:

  • Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Identify with Him and His Church through believer's baptism by immersion.
  • Register using the form below to indicate you're considering membership with Brook Hills.
  • Attend in person all three Sunday worship gatherings during our ALL IN series on April 30, May 7, and May 14.
  • Complete our Membership Assignment or Kids Membership Assignment (for children through 5th grade). This assignment is due May 14. Completing the assignment is your final indication you intend to pursue membership here with Brook Hills.
  • Meet with one of our elders (available Sundays and Wednesdays following the series and scheduled after completion of the membership assignment). At this meeting you will be asked to affirm both our Statement of Faith and our Church Covenant. Membership candidates are then approved by our entire Elder Council at their next meeting.
  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7734
Unfortunately, the form is not active at this time.
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This Spring (April 30, May 7, & May 14), we\'ll walk through a new sermon series together in our Sunday worship gatherings all about what it means to be ALL IN as members of The Church at Brook Hills loving Jesus, growing in Jesus, and making disciple of Jesus together. Along with this series, we\'re offering a unique opportunity for anyone not yet a member of Brook Hills to complete our membership process without having to attend a separate membership class.

WHO IS THIS FOR: Any child, teenager, or adult who is a Christian and knows God has led you to Brook Hills to be your faith family but hasn\'t yet been through our typical membership process.

WHAT IS INVOLVED: To become a member of Brook Hills through our ALL IN series, an individual needs to:

  • Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Identify with Him and His Church through believer\'s baptism by immersion.
  • Register using the form below to indicate you\'re considering membership with Brook Hills.
  • Attend in person all three Sunday worship gatherings during our ALL IN series on April 30, May 7, and May 14.
  • Complete our Membership Assignment or Kids Membership Assignment (for children through 5th grade). This assignment is due May 14. Completing the assignment is your final indication you intend to pursue membership here with Brook Hills.
  • Meet with one of our elders (available Sundays and Wednesdays following the series and scheduled after completion of the membership assignment). At this meeting you will be asked to affirm both our Statement of Faith and our Church Covenant. Membership candidates are then approved by our entire Elder Council at their next meeting.
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