Lifeline Children's Services in partnership with Shelby County DHR will be facilitating Foster Parent (TIPS) training classes in the spring of 2024.

These classes will be held at The Church at Brook Hills located at 3145 Brook Highland Parkway in Birmingham AL. 

The Orientation Class will meet on Wednesday, Feb 21 from 6-8pm. 

The 10 week class will begin on Wednesday, March 6 from 6-9pm and finish up on May 15. 

The class will not meet on March 27 during Spring Break week. 

Childcare is available - Registration is required and Lifeline has the registration link


  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-972-8410


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Lifeline Children\'s Services in partnership with Shelby County DHR will be facilitating Foster Parent (TIPS) training classes in the spring of 2024.

These classes will be held at The Church at Brook Hills located at 3145 Brook Highland Parkway in Birmingham AL. 

The Orientation Class will meet on Wednesday, Feb 21 from 6-8pm. 

The 10 week class will begin on Wednesday, March 6 from 6-9pm and finish up on May 15. 

The class will not meet on March 27 during Spring Break week. 

Childcare is available - Registration is required and Lifeline has the registration link


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