Thursday, April 18, 2024, 11:30 AM

in the Commons & Community Room, BH Main Building

Join us as we discuss Tips for Aging Gracefully.

Invite a friend and come enjoy the fellowship!

Lunch will be potluck with the church providing fried chicken and tea.

Sign up here & advise what you will bring to share.

If you don’t receive information on these events from your small group, please join our Legacy mailing list at the bottom of our Legacy Adults page.


  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7736


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Thursday, April 18, 2024, 11:30 AM

in the Commons & Community Room, BH Main Building

Join us as we discuss Tips for Aging Gracefully.

Invite a friend and come enjoy the fellowship!

Lunch will be potluck with the church providing fried chicken and tea.

Sign up here & advise what you will bring to share.

If you don’t receive information on these events from your small group, please join our Legacy mailing list at the bottom of our Legacy Adults page.


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