In light of the new 2 Strong emphasis we have recently launched and, more specifically, our focus in year one of “growing strong as a church,” we are offering another round of House to House Dinner Groups.

In Acts 2:46, we read how the early church gathered together “from house to house,” eating food with “joyful and sincere hearts.” We are providing an opportunity for our faith family to do just this and gather in House to House Dinner Groups on Sunday, February 26, from 5:00-7:00pm.

This will be a unique occasion for multi-generational interaction in our faith family, and it will allow BH Elders, staff, and small group leaders the opportunity to practice hospitality and “welcome graciously” as host homes. With this, children of all ages are invited, and parents can decide on the participation of their children in the meal.

By registering, you’re signing up to attend dinner, which may be provided by the host home, or it may be a potluck-style dinner. After registration closes on February 15, we will make assignments and you will then hear from your host home one week out from the event with more details. If you need to cancel for any reason, please contact both your host home and .

We are so excited about this opportunity for the people of Brook Hills to enjoy a meal with others in our faith family whom they might not otherwise meet and for this to be one more way that we grow strong together.

Registration will open at the link below on February 5 at 2:00pm. 

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person


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In light of the new 2 Strong emphasis we have recently launched and, more specifically, our focus in year one of “growing strong as a church,” we are offering another round of House to House Dinner Groups.

In Acts 2:46, we read how the early church gathered together “from house to house,” eating food with “joyful and sincere hearts.” We are providing an opportunity for our faith family to do just this and gather in House to House Dinner Groups on Sunday, February 26, from 5:00-7:00pm.

This will be a unique occasion for multi-generational interaction in our faith family, and it will allow BH Elders, staff, and small group leaders the opportunity to practice hospitality and “welcome graciously” as host homes. With this, children of all ages are invited, and parents can decide on the participation of their children in the meal.

By registering, you’re signing up to attend dinner, which may be provided by the host home, or it may be a potluck-style dinner. After registration closes on February 15, we will make assignments and you will then hear from your host home one week out from the event with more details. If you need to cancel for any reason, please contact both your host home and .

We are so excited about this opportunity for the people of Brook Hills to enjoy a meal with others in our faith family whom they might not otherwise meet and for this to be one more way that we grow strong together.

Registration will open at the link below on February 5 at 2:00pm. 

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