Hospitality at Church and Home 

One of our eight pursuits at Brook Hills is "We pursue kindness; so we welcome graciously." You will learn how to interact in ways to make people comfortable, which is the very definition of hospitality, and to use the relationships you have in various areas of life to help people take steps toward Christ. This two-week study, led by Zac Condie, meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm beginning April 17. Please register below.

For a complete list of Focus Studies this spring, click here.  

  • Start Date

  • Contact Person

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Hospitality at Church and Home 

One of our eight pursuits at Brook Hills is "We pursue kindness; so we welcome graciously." You will learn how to interact in ways to make people comfortable, which is the very definition of hospitality, and to use the relationships you have in various areas of life to help people take steps toward Christ. This two-week study, led by Zac Condie, meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm beginning April 17. Please register below.

For a complete list of Focus Studies this spring, click here.  

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