There are few experiences like High School Camp. No day is ever the same. On any given day students could be zip lining, swimming, climbing rock walls, worshipping together, participating in group breakouts and dance parties, or competing in our annual Camp Olympics. Most importantly, though, High School Camp is designed for our completed 9th through 12th grade students to encounter Christ in a fresh way and for them to take these experiences back into their worlds to make an impact for the Kingdom. It is a week that students will definitely not forget. This year's High School Camp is July 6th - 9th at Camp Lee.

Registration is now OPEN and will close on June 30th. The cancellation deadline is June 5th. 


Please note that there is a non-refundable and initial $55 charge in order to register. To register and pay this initial $55 charge, please follow the Register button at the bottom of the page

To pay the remainder of your payment ($305), please follow this link. Please do not pay the remainder of your payment before you have registered and payed the initial $55 charge. 

If you registered during Early Registration (before February 4th), please follow this link to pay the remainder of your payment. 

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2023.
  • Consent FormThis is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event.
  • Medicine Form (if needed)
  • Camp Lee Release Form: This form must be completed for Camp Lee. Please print this document, fill it out by hand, and return the completed document to Jenny Hicks.


If you are interested in possibly serving as a leader during High School Camp, please visit this link

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746


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There are few experiences like High School Camp. No day is ever the same. On any given day students could be zip lining, swimming, climbing rock walls, worshipping together, participating in group breakouts and dance parties, or competing in our annual Camp Olympics. Most importantly, though, High School Camp is designed for our completed 9th through 12th grade students to encounter Christ in a fresh way and for them to take these experiences back into their worlds to make an impact for the Kingdom. It is a week that students will definitely not forget. This year\'s High School Camp is July 6th - 9th at Camp Lee.

Registration is now OPEN and will close on June 30th. The cancellation deadline is June 5th. 


Please note that there is a non-refundable and initial $55 charge in order to register. To register and pay this initial $55 charge, please follow the Register button at the bottom of the page

To pay the remainder of your payment ($305), please follow this link. Please do not pay the remainder of your payment before you have registered and payed the initial $55 charge. 

If you registered during Early Registration (before February 4th), please follow this link to pay the remainder of your payment. 

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the entire school year, until Aug 2023.
  • Consent FormThis is a one-time form that must be completed for any off-campus event.
  • Medicine Form (if needed)
  • Camp Lee Release Form: This form must be completed for Camp Lee. Please print this document, fill it out by hand, and return the completed document to Jenny Hicks.


If you are interested in possibly serving as a leader during High School Camp, please visit this link

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