We are excited here at Brook Hills Student Ministry to bring you Collide 2024, happening January 26th - 28th for our Middle School & High School students! Our hope and prayer are for students to experience what it looks like for their lives to collide with God's power in a way that impacts not only their lives, but also the city of Birmingham. With amazing worship, engaging messages from our guest speaker Miles Fidell, small groups, theme nights, and opportunities to serve our city of Birmingham, why would you miss this weekend?

$55 (October 1st - October 11th)

$65 (After October 11th)

Registration ends on January 24th.

You can see the Collide 2024 Schedule here

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE by Sunday, January 21st. If you have any questions while completing these forms please contact Jenny at jhicks@brookhills.org.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the school year, until Aug 2024.
  • Collide Consent FormThis is a one-time form that must be completed for this event.

**If your student is planning on leaving at some point during Saturday’s events, they must turn in a signed form indicating when they will be absent. Download a Time Away Form.


In order to make this event happen, we need our faith family to lend their time and efforts: leading small groups, volunteering in hospitality, serving as a driver, etc. We cannot express how thankful we are for our volunteers and leaders. This weekend cannot happen without you! 
To serve as a volunteer or a Small Group leader, click here

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Contact Person

    · 205-313-7746


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We are excited here at Brook Hills Student Ministry to bring you Collide 2024, happening January 26th - 28th for our Middle School & High School students! Our hope and prayer are for students to experience what it looks like for their lives to collide with God\'s power in a way that impacts not only their lives, but also the city of Birmingham. With amazing worship, engaging messages from our guest speaker Miles Fidell, small groups, theme nights, and opportunities to serve our city of Birmingham, why would you miss this weekend?

$55 (October 1st - October 11th)

$65 (After October 11th)

Registration ends on January 24th.

You can see the Collide 2024 Schedule here

In order to participate in this event, you MUST complete a Medical Release Form and Consent Form ONLINE by Sunday, January 21st. If you have any questions while completing these forms please contact Jenny at jhicks@brookhills.org.

  • Medical Release FormOnce this form is completed, it will last for every event through the school year, until Aug 2024.
  • Collide Consent FormThis is a one-time form that must be completed for this event.

**If your student is planning on leaving at some point during Saturday’s events, they must turn in a signed form indicating when they will be absent. Download a Time Away Form.


In order to make this event happen, we need our faith family to lend their time and efforts: leading small groups, volunteering in hospitality, serving as a driver, etc. We cannot express how thankful we are for our volunteers and leaders. This weekend cannot happen without you! 
To serve as a volunteer or a Small Group leader, click here

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