Praise God that He is patient with us and actually takes the time to change our hearts and open our eyes. We are convinced that this is a large part of His process for making us more like Him. We also believe He has graciously started this process in us and we have a LONG way to go.

Over the past year or so, God has opened our eyes to a huge need, and changed our hearts so that we would not be able to tolerate it.

All of us know there are lost people in the world. Hang around Brook Hills long enough and you will soon realize there are entire people groups all around the world that have never even heard of Jesus or what He has done for them. Once you start to let that reality set in, it is easy to assume that those people are too far away to reach.

If they’ve never heard of Jesus, then they must be in the mountain villages of Southeast Asia or the jungle tribes of South America, right?

Some of them are hard to get to, even though they are not too far to be reached by the love of Christ. That’s why it’s intolerable to let them live and die without hearing how they can be saved.

But what’s even more intolerable for us is that not all unreached people are in remote locations. They are in our own backyard. There are unreached people groups sprinkled all over the United States. For example, in Dearborn, Michigan, a community just outside of Detroit, there are over 30,000 Arab Muslims. Most of them are coming here as refugees from countries like Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria. In our short time of getting to know people in that area, we have found less than a handful of Christ-followers from these people groups.

In fact, one of our friends who is the only Yemeni believer that we know in the area, told us over dinner that he had been looking for a brother in Christ from his people since he moved to Dearborn about 3 years ago. He still has yet to find one.

Those not yet in the Kingdom of God desperately need to hear the gospel in Dearborn. But also, the few brothers and sisters we do have there desperately need to know what it means to be a disciple. They need to be discipled to make disciples. We know that this work will take much patience, perseverance and total dependence on the Holy Spirit. However, we fully trust in what the Word says in Acts 17, that God has determined the times and boundaries in which the nations live in order that they might seek Him... whether in Yemen or in Michigan. While the people of Dearborn are very hard to reach because of their religion, they are physically not hard to get to with the gospel.

All we have to do is move to Michigan.

-Cadie M.

Cadie and her husband, Daniel, are being commissioned today to move to Michigan where they will work to get the gospel to the unreached. Another couple from our faith family is preparing to join them in the coming months. If you would like more information about the work they will be doing and how you can be a part, email Cadie at or visit
