Small Groups

Don't Assume Everyone in the Room Knows Christ

Jay Gordon
Just because someone wanders into one of our Small Groups doesn’t mean they already have a relationship with Christ. Let that sink in a minute.
Small Groups

“Being Seen” Touches the Heart

Jay Gordon
As we move forward from the pandemic, I want to encourage you to "see" afresh the people in your group.

Meet Elijah Gibson

Elizabeth Park
We are so excited to introduce you to our new Associate Worship Minister, Elijah Gibson. To help you get to know him better, we took some time to ask him about his background, his passion for worship...

The College Transition

Savanna Thompson
About Savanna: ...

A New Season of Ministry

Brook Hills Contributor
On January 1, Nate Farrow began a new season of ministry on our staff. His new title is now Young Adult and Pastoral Care Minister. We’re so excited for Nate to now be able to use his gifts and...

Mobilizing the Church for Great Commission Strategy

Brook Hills Contributor
Introducing Our Sixth Special Missions Project: Mobilizing The Church For Great Commission Strategy
Global Dispatch,  Stories

We Will Train

Brook Hills Contributor
We want to know God and serve Him, but no one in our tribe knows how to study and teach the Word of God. I want to be that man!
Global Dispatch,  Stories

We Will Plant and Nurture

Brook Hills Contributor
I recently had an interesting opportunity with a mover in our city. To provide some context, my family and I live and work in a city in Turkey and have intentionally planted our lives among Turkish...
Global Dispatch,  Stories

We Will Advocate

Brook Hills Contributor
My name is Anjli and I am in the 11th grade. For the last ten years I have lived in a girls’ home here in Pakistan where I am loved and supported.
Global Dispatch,  Stories

We Will Proclaim

Brook Hills Contributor
Sharif explained that he had been thinking a lot about the gospel stories and everything we had discussed throughout the previous months. He knew that following Jesus could potentially cost him...

Celebration of Advent

Krystal Brummitt
In order to fully immerse ourselves in this season of Advent, we have to start at the very beginning and ask one simple question: Why? ...

Hearts Beating High

Chip Bugnar
I recently came across a quote from Mary Slessor, a missionary to Nigeria in the early 1900s, that refuses to be filed away in my Evernote system. ...

Imago Dei Resources

Brook Hills
The following recommended resources are for further consideration on topics covered in light of our Imago Dei series. ...

Why Read the Whole Bible?

Krystal Brummitt
If you were to flip through the back of my Bible, you would notice a lot of underlining, highlighting, and notes in the margins. Should you flip through the Old Testament, however, you would notice...

On Race, Racism, and the Gospel

Chris Kinsley
As part of his sermon "Ethnic Diversity" from Acts 10 on Sunday, August 23, 2020, Pastor Matt shared the fruit of many discussions on the subject of race, racism, and the gospel. These 10 statements...

Loving Well Through a Disagreement

BH Women Contributor
Today's post is written by Alison Elliott, wife, mother, homeschool teacher and friend to many of us. ...

Invest in Hope

Chris Kinsley
Faith family, we all know how unique and challenging the past few months have been for everyone, not only in our church, but in the entire world. We have been so encouraged by the faithfulness...

Why I Wear A Mask

BH Women Contributor
By Ashley Gilliland ...
Global Dispatch,  Stories

A Fruitful Environment for Gospel Proclamation

When Vanessa walked out of her high-rise apartment in Kuala Lumpur to go for a run, she never imagined that running a mile would require her to run back-and-forth a 30-foot hallway of her building to...
Global Dispatch

Suspended in Ministry

Chip Bugnar
To our faithful friends spread over the world, ...

Clean and Living Water

Chris Kinsley
Faith family, we are so encouraged by all the ways we’ve seen you reaching out to and caring for one another and your neighbors during this time. We’ve seen so many small groups connecting with...

Providing a Place to Call Home

Brook Hills Contributor
At four months pregnant, Brett went in for her normal checkup to find out if her baby was a boy or a girl. She found out—a girl—but she found out something else too. “We found out that she had...

God’s Provision in Parenthood

Elizabeth Park
For Ann Ashton and Conner Jones, being parents to their daughter, Miriam, known as Mim, has been one of life’s greatest joys, but their path to parenthood was a challenging one.

Singing God’s Truth

Elizabeth Park
Kids Choir isn’t just for the adorable faces on the risers. It’s for our whole faith family. We never outgrow the need to be reminded of what’s true—from the littlest kid swaying the wrong...
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