
Deepening Oak Tree's Roots

Chris Kinsley
Faith family, we are so encouraged by your faithfulness through the past year in so many ways, including in your generosity. As Pastor Matt shared last Sunday, when we combine what was given to the...

How Pregnancy Resource Centers Offer Help And Hope In Jesus’ Name

Brook Hills Contributor
When Rosa* first visited the pregnancy center where I volunteer, she was accompanied by her husband. He spoke only a little English, she none at all. She stood somewhat behind him as he and I...
Small Group

New Year, New Plan?

Jay Gordon
A recent study by Lifeway Christian Resources revealed that the number one factor in spiritual growth is "Bible Engagement." I was happy for Lifeway to confirm what I've thought and experienced for...

God’s Sovereignty Amidst Our Uncertainty

Brook Hills Contributor
“Things don’t always go the way we plan, but the risk is worth it, even with our physical lives,” Dave said. “We always want to be wise, but sometimes things don’t make sense. Knowing He’s...

God Always Provides

Brook Hills Contributor
After traveling this past summer to a mountain village in Southeast Asia, Courtney Talley said one thing is crystal clear — God wants the people there to know Him. And He will send rain and disrupt...

A New Family

Brook Hills Contributor
The dreams started when she was 12. ...

Ways To Give Generously

Chris Kinsley
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." ...

Extending Our Homes for the Holidays

Brook Hills Contributor
Across the city, decorations are going up and Birmingham is coming alive because it is “the most wonderful time of the year.” We will soon celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, two of our...

Care for the UnAdopted

Brook Hills Contributor
There are approximately 153 million orphaned children in the world. That’s an unfathomable number. Yet even this number does not begin to cover the depth of the orphan crisis. This number excludes...
College Celebrations

The Mission Doesn't Change

Brook Hills Contributor
We aren’t to be any less intentional, driven, or excited about ministry because we are in our homeland.

Meet Brian Munnings

Elizabeth Park
Whether we know it or not, we are all counselors to some degree. “Counseling is really just doing relationship with people and sitting down and having good, intentional conversations,” says Brian...

Gather Your People and Go!

Brook Hills Contributor
My husband, Rusty, and I often traveled together on mission, but once we started having babies, that had to change. We would take turns going on short-term trips while the other stayed behind and...

Building Healthy Churches in East Asia

Chris Kinsley
Thank you, faith family. Because of your generosity last week on our Roots & Reach Giving Day and your faithful giving to the Roots & Reach Initiative in the months leading up, we now have a strong...

Now It’s Our Time

Elizabeth Park
For Donnie Arrant, Roots & Reach has been on his heart for 20 years. He came on staff at Brook Hills in February 1994 as the Associate Pastor in Pastoral Care, and then later moved into his current...

The Blessing of Biblical Community

Brook Hills Contributor
Even after a year, this constant encouragement has continued. When it feels like my world is falling apart, they remind me that God never changes. His grace is constant, His love is consistent, and...

The Prayers of Children

Brook Hills Contributor
I have seen God move in some amazing ways through prayer, but when I began volunteering in children’s ministry on Wednesday nights, I saw God working in a fresh, exciting way through an emphasis...

Bringing Light to Darkness

Ashley Chesnut
I knew we needed to talk about it. ...

Christianity in the Classroom

Elizabeth Park
Almost fourteen years ago, God called Michael Mickens away from the world of insurance and into the field of education. “Teaching runs in my family, but I never thought initially I would be a...

Making a Church into a Home

Brook Hills Contributor
We moved to Birmingham in 2013 as we began a new phase of our lives and quickly landed at Brook Hills as our church home. Though the Lord provided biblical community through different avenues in...

Embrace Change for Kingdom Glory

Brook Hills Contributor
Imagine with me, if you will, a person so shy as to be unwilling to order delivery pizza because it meant cold-calling a stranger. Pretty shy, right? Imagine that same person striking up...

Partnering Together for the Gospel

Brook Hills Contributor
He was not your average missionary. He was highly motivated and sure of his calling. He was fully committed and willing to make any sacrifice to fulfill the mission. Both he and the church had high...

The Global Impact of Friendship

Brook Hills Contributor
The two of us (Haley and Paige) have served overseas in short-term and mid-term contexts and were fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of gracious hospitality from locals. The kindness of a...

All We Need Is To Ask

Casey Boss
Wisdom belongs to and is given from God. The Bible doesn’t tell us that we just fall into wisdom. It is something we seek. We ask for it. And even in the midst of brokenness, God is kind and God is...

Let's Dig Deep

Elizabeth Park
Ten minutes after looking over her surprisingly, empty calendar for the month of June, Kewanna Mickens received a call from our Global Pastor, Chip Bugnar. He wanted to know if she would consider...
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