This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for His gracious and loving discipline. Ask God to use His Word to bring conviction in our lives and lead us to repentance. Pray for God to grow our love and concern for any and all living without knowledge of or faith in Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Discovery Clubs of Alabama, a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship. Discovery Clubs are weekly, after-school Bible clubs that meet in 30 public elementary schools across the greater Birmingham area offering fun and inspirational activities to help children know the love of Christ. Discovery Clubs teach the gospel to children while also building Biblical foundations for life, developing character, and changing families. We’re also praying this week for Asbury United Methodist Church and Pastor Kip Laxon.
Day 1: Pray for Discovery Clubs’ staff and volunteers to be allowed back on school campuses as soon as possible. Pray for COVID-19 to end quickly so Discovery Clubs can resume face-to-face meetings.
Day 2: Pray for guidance for the staff and board as they make alternative plans to reach children for Christ during the pandemic. Pray for, in spite of not being able to be on campuses, gospel seeds planted last year would continue to take root. Pray for new people to hear the gospel through Discovery Clubs’ new online curriculum.
Day 3: Pray for the health of their students, mentors, and staff. Pray for the Lord to protect them from not only the Coronavirus, but also other illnesses as we move into the fall and winter months.
Day 4: Pray for provision for Discovery Clubs. Pray for, in spite of the pandemic, the generosity of God’s people to be abundant, and giving would return to where it was before COVID-19.
Day 5: Pray for peace for the staff and board during a time of restructuring and reorganization in almost all aspects of their ministry. Pray for Discovery Clubs’ new Director, Reid Ward. Pray for the transition to their new location at the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association. Pray for Discovery Clubs’ new online video curriculum. Pray for the staff to keep their focus on Christ even in the middle of all the change.
Day 6: Pray for new volunteers and mentors at Discovery Clubs. Pray the pandemic would not pull people away from doing the work of Christ but would inspire them to do more.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Peoples of Vietnam, specifically six people groups that have very few believers and almost no access to the gospel. Evangelical Christians make up about 1.8 percent of the peoples of Vietnam. Christians face persecution from the government and families, making Vietnam one of the most difficult places to live as a believer. Brook Hills has strategic partnerships with the local church in Vietnam. Pray God continues to use us to advance His Kingdom throughout Vietnam. For more information visit
Day 1: The San Diu people live in Northern Vietnam and worship their ancestors and a multitude of deities and spirits. This people of 146,000 are unreached with the gospel. Pray for God’s Word to be translated into their language and for their eyes to be open to the one true God who deserves their worship.
Day 2: There are only a small number of believers among the 1.6 million Muong people in Northern Vietnam. Pray for the Muong believers to overcome their fear of gathering together to worship God and for bold proclamation of the gospel to their villages.
Day 3: The Tay are the largest ethnic minority people group in Vietnam (over 2 million), but there are only a few dozen believers. Pray for more laborers to help spread the seed of the gospel among the Tay.
Day 4: The 55,000 Giay people live in remote villages of Northern Vietnam. There are fewer than 10 known believers among the Giay. Pray for the Giay to have the Scriptures translated into their own language. Pray for the small number of believers to grow and reach out to their neighbors with the gospel.
Day 5: The 900,000 Nung living in Northern Vietnam have less than 1% who believe in Christ. Pray for a concerted and focused church planting effort among the the Nung. Pray for many to believe in Christ.
Day 6: The Mang are a very small and isolated people group in Northern Vietnam. There are only a handful of Mang who are even aware of the existence of the gospel. Pray for a movement of God among the Mang. Pray for God to send believers to the very isolated Mang. Pray for Christ to be made known among them.
Sunday Setlist