This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for calling each of us out of our sin and into His family through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and for uniting us together as His Church at Brook Hills. Pray for God to use us and the gifts He has given each of us to build one another up. Ask Him to use us to minister to one another and the world around us and to grow His Kingdom.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for Sav-a-Life Shelby, a pregnancy resource ministry whose mission is to develop a culture of life in Shelby County and to offer the hope of the gospel. By providing free, confidential services in a compassionate and loving environment to women, men, and families facing an unplanned pregnancy, Sav-A-Life Shelby hopes to see clients choose life for themselves and for their unborn child. We are also praying for First Baptist Church Pelham and Pastor Daven Watkins.
Day 1: Pray for the Walk For Life Event on April 27 to be successful in raising funds and awareness for Sav-a-Life Shelby and to be God-honoring, peaceful, and well-attended.
Day 2: Pray for the volunteers who support this ministry to bear much fruit in their kingdom labor as they abide and
grow in Christ.
Day 3: Pray for each client seeking help from the Pregnancy Resource Center in Pelham to encounter Jesus and be
transformed by the gospel.
Day 4: Pray for the Sav-A-Life Shelby staff and leadership to seek God’s will and yield to His plans for the ministry.
Day 5: Pray for continual financial provision for the ministry and for the good stewardship of all the resources that God
has provided.
Day 6: Pray for each avenue of ministry that God has entrusted to Sav-A-Life Shelby to further their mission to share the
hope of Christ in Shelby County.
Pray for the World
This week we are commissioning Nia M. and Megan R. as long-term workers in Central Asia. Both will be joining an existing team in Central Asia to support the work of strengthening the church that exists there and engaging unreached people groups around them. Nia specifically will be supporting children of long-term workers, and Megan will be supporting efforts to develop resources for the church there. Join us as we pray for Megan and Nia and send them out.
Day 1: Nia will be working with and supporting other long-term families on her team who have children. She will be directly working with those children to help with their education. Pray for the salvation and discipleship of the kids that Nia will serve.
Day 2: Megan will be spending a majority of her time learning language during her first term so she can help develop
resources for the local church. Pray for Megan as she submits herself to the study of a new language and for God to give her an ability that will help the local church thrive.
Day 3: Pray for God to give Nia and Megan a spirit of humility and to strive for unity with fellow believers.
Day 4: Pray for God to cultivate hearts of good soil among Central Asian peoples. Pray for Nia and Megan to be bold to share the gospel wherever the Spirit of God leads.
Day 5: Pray for Megan and Nia’s non-believing friends to desire to read the Word and seek to know more about Christ.
Day 6: Praise God for setting apart Megan and Nia from among our faith family to be sent to Central Asia. Pray for God
to be glorified in their lives and in their faithful service to Him. Pray for God to help us as a church partner with them for the
sake of the gospel going forward in Central Asia.
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