This Week
Scripture Memory
Pray for the Church
Praise God for the care and compassion He exhibits toward us and grants us to have toward one another. Ask Him to continue to develop us into a faith family who graciously welcomes all those who are hurting around us. Pray for our Member Care team and especially the ministry they have in providing counsel to our faith family. Pray for all those among us who are hurting for any reason to find their comfort and healing in Christ.
Pray for the City
This week we are praying for the Shelby Baptist Association, located in Columbiana. Its mission is Serving Christ Together
as it seeks to enable and assist its member churches to accomplish their mission, promote and help churches coordinate
mission and ministry opportunities, and partner together to accomplish the Great Commission locally and globally. We are
also praying for Liberty Baptist Church, Chelsea and Pastor Tim Cox.
Day 1: Pray for the Shelby Baptist Association churches to be salt and light in their neighborhoods by seeing and meeting
needs within their communities. Pray for the many Community Ministries that occur at the Shelby Baptist campus to be a
successful outreach platform for evangelism and ministry into the community by local churches.
Day 2: Pray for the Shelby Baptist Association staff as they aim to equip the saints in area churches for the work of ministry.
Day 3: Pray for the churches in the Shelby Baptist Association to boldly teach and preach the truth of the gospel.
Day 4: Pray for the Shelby Baptist Association to successfully promote unity and fellowship among area churches.
Day 5: Pray for local believers to be equipped to evangelize and make disciples among the lost in our city.
Day 6: Pray for the Shelby Baptist Association staff to lead with integrity and model a life of dependence on the Lord.
Pray for the World
This week we are praying for the Malay people of Malaysia. There are approximately 7 million Malay living on the mainland of Malaysia. Most are Muslims and are protected by the government and the constitution to preserve their culture and religion. To be Malay is to be Muslim. Pray for the workers that live among the Malay and for the gospel to spread as they boldly proclaim the good news of Christ among the Malay.
Day 1: Ask God to remove barriers, physical and spiritual, the enemy is using to keep Malay people from the truth.
Day 2: Pray for the Malay to have access to the gospel, whether written or audio. Pray for nothing to impede the Word going out and landing on fertile soil.
Day 3: Pray for believers to be emboldened in proclaiming the gospel. Ask for believers to find much joy in sharing about Jesus.
Day 4: Pray for believers to faithfully and fervently sow gospel seeds and not let fear get in the way of obedience to sowing, trusting God to give the growth.
Day 5: Pray for the salvation of Malay men and women living in Malaysia. Pray for their hearts to be stirred up with hunger and thirst for righteousness that can only be satisfied from union with Christ.
Day 6: Pray for God, who is rich in mercy and love, to make those who are spiritually dead to come alive with Christ.
Sunday Setlist